Government Funding Directory
Canadian Government Funding, Grant and Loan Programs our Team Can Write for Your Business.
Find Canadian small business grants, tax credits, and no-interest loans from the federal and provincial governments. There are various federal and provincial funding programs for small and medium enterprises (SME), as well as large businesses. Organizations are also eligible for funding programs, such as non-profits, post-secondary research institutions, municipalities, and more.
The Ryan Canada Government Funding team, formerly Mentor Works, helps Canadian businesses access government funding and grants programs to grow and innovate and can help your business build a funding plan. Contact us for a free funding discovery session.
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Funding Programs
- Ontario
- Aims to liaison more young Canadians into the automotive sector by providing participants the opportunity to gain skills training and knowledge through a placement or employment.
- Up to 800 participants will receive up to $8,000 in training costs.
- Atlantic Canada
- Canada Wide
- Ontario
- Québec
- Western Canada
- Supports local groups for recurring festivals that present the work of local artists, artisans, or heritage performers.
- Access up to 100% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $200,000.
- Atlantic Canada
- Canada Wide
- Ontario
- Québec
- Western Canada
- This program offers funding in partnership with Canada and the United Kingdom to aid R&D projects for critical minerals technologies.
- Up to 50% reimbursement for eligible Canadian SMEs to a maximum of $500,000 over 12-24 months.
- Atlantic Canada
- Canada Wide
- Ontario
- Québec
- Western Canada
- Support for projects that improve the physical condition of arts and heritage collaboration, creation, presentation, and exhibition spaces.
- Up to 50% to $500k-$15M depending on the project type. Up to 75% for rural and underserved communities.
- Atlantic Canada
- Canada Wide
- Ontario
- Québec
- Western Canada
- Designed to support small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that need to make digital adoptions in their businesses to be able to remain competitive in this new digital age.
- Up to 90% of eligible costs up to $15,000 grant.
- Atlantic Canada
- Canada Wide
- Ontario
- Québec
- Western Canada
- Support for employers providing supervised career-related work experience for youth employees.
- Up to 50% of employee minimum hourly rate; Non-profits can receive grants up to 100% of minimum wage; Amount is capped at a max $300K per employer.
- Atlantic Canada
- Canada Wide
- Ontario
- Québec
- Western Canada
- Offers a process through which the Government of Canada assumes financial risk, responsibility, and provides compensation for damage or losses to objects and appurtenances in eligible travelling exhibitions.
- Receive up to $700K in Indemnification Coverage.
- Atlantic Canada
- Canada Wide
- Ontario
- Québec
- Western Canada
- Provides help for convergence of agriculture, equipment manufacturing and technology into real-world application.
- Up to 40% of the total eligible supported expenses.
- Atlantic Canada
- Canada Wide
- Ontario
- Québec
- Western Canada
- The Canadian Food Innovation Network’s (CFIN) program is designed to support smart product and process development, food ecosystem sustainability, and agile and safe supply chains.
- Up to 50% of eligible expenses or up to $2M in cost matching funds per application.
- Atlantic Canada
- Canada Wide
- Ontario
- Québec
- Western Canada
- The Canadian Food Innovation Network’s (CFIN) program is designed to support smart product and process development, food ecosystem sustainability, and agile and safe supply chains.
- Up to 50% of eligible expenses or up to $2M in cost matching funds per application.
- Alberta
- This program prioritizes solutions along the CCUS value chain to enable broad deployment, low carbon hydrogen technologies across the entire value chain, and next-generation materials and products from natural gas.
- Up to 25% – 50% of total eligible costs to a maximum of $2M per project.
- Atlantic Canada
- Canada Wide
- Ontario
- Québec
- Western Canada
- This program provides rapid support to food or beverage manufacturers who want to engage third-party support to analyze the sustainability of their operations.
- Access 70% non-repayable funding up to a max of $25K.
- Canada Wide
- Helps businesses implement energy efficiency and energy management strategies that optimize energy efficiency, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, and competitiveness.
- Up to 100% of total eligible implementation costs to a max. of $20M for provincial-territorial and other governments.