Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF)
Receive up to $3M in Government Funding.
The Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) funds organizations, businesses, and other eligible recipients to improve accessibility and/or safety for people with disabilities by funding new construction, renovation and/or retrofit activities that will contribute to reducing waitlists for persons with disabilities to access programs, services and/or support. Recently, the federal government re-opened intake for EAF – Mid-Sized Projects – details are listed below.

Quick View
Funding Amount
Eligible organizations can apply for funding for a minimum of $500K, and a maximum of $3M per project.
Eligible Applicants
For-profit and non-profit organizations, small municipalities with under 50K population, and indigenous organizations, and Territorial governments.
Amount of Funding
Eligible organizations can apply for funding for a minimum of $500K, and a maximum of $3M per project.
Eligible Expenses
- Project budgets will be subject to a minimum amount of accessibility activities that increases as per the total project value.
- Flat rate expenses include: ramps, accessible doors, accessible washrooms, elevators, lifts, pool lifts, multi-sensory rooms, accessible playgrounds, accessible parking, accessible drop-off areas, accessible EV charging stations.
- Non-flat rate activities include, but are not limited to: accessible kitchens, raised garden beds, safety alarm systems, slip resistant flooring, accessible software, enhancing lighting, replacing door knobs, wayfinding, accessible pedestrian pathways, etc. Quotes are required for all non-flat rate project activities.
Eligible Applicants
- Not-for-profit organizations whose mandate is to exclusively serve persons with disabilities (as defined in the leveraging section);
- For-profit organizations with up to 99 full-time equivalent employees whose mandate is to serve or hire persons with disabilities;
- Small municipalities of less than 50,000 in population, as per the 2021 census, offering more than one program and/ or service targeted for persons with disabilities;
- Indigenous organizations offering more than one program and/or service targeted for persons with disabilities;
- Organizations located in the Territories and remote and rural regions offering more than one program and/or service targeted for persons with disabilities; and
- Territorial governments.
Eligible Activities
New construction, renovation, and/or retrofit activities that will contribute to reducing waitlists and/or increasing access to programs, services and support targeted for persons with disabilities by improving accessibility in facilities across Canadian communities.
Program Deadline
Speak with a member of our team to find the latest intake period info for this program or subscribe to our newsletter to be notified.