Agri-Tech Innovation Cost-Share Program

Receive up to $100,000 in Government Funding.

The Agri-Tech Innovation Cost-Share Program is an Ontario government funding program designed to support the modernization of agriculture-specific, unique and innovative technologies in the workplace that lead to increased business efficiencies and productivity, and help build the agriculture sector’s resilience. The program will provide substantial incentives through two separate streams, the later to open after the first. The Early Adopters stream supports adoption of advanced technologies to help agri-businesses that are not yet widespread within the sector, see program details below.

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Annual Funding Applications Supported

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Amount of Funding

Amount of Funding

The Early Adopters stream provides up to 35% to a maximum of $100,000 per eligible project to offset costs on relevant projects with a minimum value of $150,000.

The details and intake for the Innovators Stream will open following the closing of the Early Adopters Stream, details will be posted here as they become available.

Eligible Applicants

Eligible Applicants

In order to be eligible, an applicant must be either an Ontario farm or processing business as outlined below:

  1. An established Farm Business that is a legal entity and produces agricultural commodities in Ontario under a valid Farm Business Registration Number (FBRN), or an allowable exemption
  2. An established Processor Business that is a legal entity that handles agricultural commodities, food, beverage or agri-based products in Ontario. This includes primary food processing, i.e. businesses that manufacture products that cut, clean, package, store and refrigerate raw plant food.

Eligible Ontario Farm or Processor businesses must:

  • Be Adopting an Advanced Automation or Manufacturing Technology; and:
  • Be and remain in compliance with all Requirements of Law for the duration of the project
  • Have a valid and up-to-date Premises Identification (PID) Number for the business location where the project is to take place
  • Provide a Canada Revenue Agency Business Number as part of the application process, if applicable; and
  • Be capable of entering into a funding agreement with the Province of Ontario and meeting their obligations under it
Accessible Technology Program (ATP)

Eligible Activities

Projects that will lead to the adoption of Advanced Automation or Manufacturing Technology that support the following outcomes:

  • Allow businesses to shift away from labour-intensive work practices or processes to help prevent the exposure and transmission of COVID-19, and
  • Address at least one of the following labour-related project impacts:
    • Allow business to focus redeployment of workers to higher value-added activities
    • Reduce the ongoing labour shortage pressures in the sector
    • Attract more highly skilled labour to businesses within the sector
    • Increase the productivity

Examples of Eligible Projects:

Projects that may be eligible for Farm business applicants:

  • Adoption and integration of an automated rack handling system and seeding machines in a greenhouse setting
  • Adoption and use of a fully automated optical grading system with visually guided robotics for the grading and sorting of vegetables replacing manual grading/sorting
  • Adoption of solar powered autonomous robotic vineyard pruning robots with optical/spectral guidance systems in place of manual pruning
  • Adoption of semi-autonomous or autonomous self-propelled transplanters replacing manual/mechanical processes where distancing employees is difficult

Projects that may be eligible for Processor business applicants:

  • Installation and training staff on the use of a robotic deboning machine for whole chicken legs replacing labour intensive manual cutting and deboning stations
  • Adoption and use of a fully automated optical packing system with visually guided robotics for the sorting and packing of product replacing manual packing/sorting
Eligible Activities

Program Deadline

Speak with a member of our team to find the latest intake period info for this program or subscribe to our newsletter to be notified.

Average of
Time Saving


Throughout the application process

Apply for Funding

Successfully applying for the right funding program at the right time, focusing on the right topics is no easy challenge. We provide an average 95% time savings to our clients, compared to businesses that apply for funding in-house.

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