Alberta Innovates – Industry Commercialization Associates Program
Receive up to $120,000 in Government Funding.
Alberta Innovates’ Industry Commercialization Associates Program offsets a portion of costs related to hiring an associate to perform technical commercialization activities. Contribution is paid as a monthly stipend plus an annual Expense Allowance of up to $7,000 to cover a portion of non-salary costs incurred by the researcher. Associates may be hired as a part-time or full-time employee.

Amount of Funding
Successful applicants may receive up to 75% to max. of $120,000 of the Associate’s salary.
Eligible Applicants
To be a successful applicant all businesses must meet the following criteria:
- For-profit organizations or SMEs (>500 FTEs & >$50M in annual gross revenue);
- Exist as a corporate person, with up-to-date corporate filings;
- Be authorized to undertake the proposed project, and execute a grant with Alberta Innovates on our standard terms; and not otherwise prohibited from receiving Alberta innovates funding;
- Be incorporated in Alberta AND/OR incorporated in another jurisdiction and extra-provincially registered in Alberta, OR;
- Be a General Partnership, Limited Partnership, or Limited Liability Partnership and registered in Alberta; and
- Companies must be Alberta-based with an Alberta footprint, which includes a significant physical and corporate operational presence in Alberta;
- Appropriate Alberta ownership; and
- Discernible intent that operational benefits will flow primarily within the Province of Alberta.
Eligible Activities
An activity may be eligible if:
- Align with the objectives of the Industry Commercialization Associate Program;
- Be stepped with critical “go/no go” milestones;
- Be completed within the 1-year term;
- Outline the financial contribution required by Applicant; and/or
- Comply with other criteria that Alberta Innovates may develop from time to time.
Program Deadline
Speak with a member of our team to find the latest intake period info for this program or subscribe to our newsletter to be notified.