Agri-Food and Bio-Industrial Innovation Program (ABIP)
Receive up to $500,000 in Grants for Agri-Food Tech.
The Agri-food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program (ABIP) aims to support the development of technologies that provide solutions to the challenges faced by the agri-food and bio-industrial sectors in Alberta. This Program supports the development and advancement of technologies to reduce costs, increase productivity, enhance competitiveness, boost the value of agriculture and forestry commodities, and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Amount of Funding
Amount of Funding
Up to 75% of total eligible costs to a maximum of $500,000.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible Applicants
- Can be any of the following:
– Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (fewer than 500 FTEs and less than $50M annual gross revenue),
– Industry organizations,
– Research and Development organizations,
– Post-secondary institutions,
-Government research laboratories. - Exist as a corporate person, with up-to-date corporate filings;
- Are not required to be based in Alberta but must demonstrate a clear value proposition for Alberta.
Strategic Focus areas include:
- Data and digital solutions
- Autonomous systems
- Agricultural biotechnology
- Food processing innovation
- Biofiber utilization
- Value-added biomass
- Green construction
Accessible Technology Program (ATP)
Eligible Activities
Projects may be eligible if they:
- Align with the objectives of the Program;
- Be between Technology Readiness Levels 3 and 7 at the start of the project (higher start-level TRLs may be considered on a case-by-case basis);
- Be stepped with critical “go/no go” milestones;
- Be completed within 36 months; and
- Comply with other criteria that Alberta Innovates may develop from time to time.
Eligible Activities
Program Deadline
Speak with a member of our team to find the latest intake period info for this program or subscribe to our newsletter to be notified.