R&D Partnership Fund – Electric Vehicle (EV) Stream 2
Receive up to $1,000,000 in Grant Funding.
The R&D Partnership Fund – Electric Vehicle (EV) Stream 2 is an Ontario government grant program offered through the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN). Through the program’s Technology Demonstrations stream, lead applicants (technology developers) work with partners (typically other SMEs, large enterprises, post-secondary institutions, and non-profit organizations) to develop, prototype, and validate innovative autonomous vehicle technologies.

Quick View
Funding Amount
Provides a 2:1 funding contribution ratio from applicants and/or private sector partners to a maximum of $1,000,000 in grant funding.
Eligible Applicants
Ontario-based SMEs (technology developers) with fewer than 500 full-time employees are eligible to apply; must partner with another SME, national/multinational enterprise, academia, municipality, or non-profit.
Amount of Funding
Provides a minimum of 2:1 funding ratio contribution from applicants and/or private sector partners to a maximum of $1,000,000 in grant funding over a maximum of 24 months.
Eligible Applicants
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Applicants are Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) defined as having fewer than 500 global, full-time employees.
- Applicants are required to have operations in Ontario and carry out their project in Ontario.
Partners eligible to be a part of this funding program:
- Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
- National and multinational enterprises (NEs and MNEs)
- Academic institutions (as clients only)
- Municipalities
- Indigenous communities
- Not-for-profit organizations representing industry
- Crown Corporations
- Transit Authorities
Eligible Activities
Eligible Projects include:
- One applicant and a minimum of one partner, as defined above.
- Stream 2 supports a total budget of up to $3,000,000 over 24 months.
- This program is not intended to prove feasibility or for basic technology research. Projects should be at Technology Readiness Level 3-9.
- Typical project activities include technology development, demonstration, product/service validation, testing, and piloting.
- Applicant and Partners should demonstrate close collaboration and scalable outcomes with high potential for commercialization, strong commercial pull, competitive advantage and alignment with intended program benefits.
- Eligible projects MUST include demonstration of actual products that can be showcased in Ontario at events, on the road, to OCI and its partners, and/or at customer sites.
Program Deadline
Speak with a member of our team to find the latest intake period info for this program or subscribe to our newsletter to be notified.