Ontario Business Grants: OMDC Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Fund


Reading Time: 3 minutes

funding for playing with playdoThe OMDC Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Fund has been established by the Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC).  The OMDC is a government agency that is a part of the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.  The agency facilitates economic development opportunities for cultural media industries of Ontario including magazine and book publishing, television and film, music, and interactive digital media such as computer and mobile games.

IDM Fund Small Business Grants Ontario Details

Ontario small business grants offered through the IDM Fund support Ontario based interactive digital media companies by offering access to funding required to move content projects into production.  The IDM Fund provides a 50% grant contribution, up to $150,000, towards the applicant firm’s project budget to bring interactive digital media content to market.

IDM Fund Ontario Government Grants for Small Business Success Stories

Past recipients of Canadian business grants through the IDM Fund include animated children’s programs that include “My Big, Big friend” (a personal favorite of mine!), PlayStation 3 games from firms such as Drink Box Studios, Mobile games from the likes of Romper Games, and other award-winning media content firms such as Marble Media.

Ontario Government Funding Application Process

There are a few important notes regarding the IDM Fund small business grants process:

  • All applications must be submitted via the OMDC Online Application Portal (OAP). Applications submitted by any other method will not be accepted.
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to start the application process well in advance of the deadline in case technical support is required.
  • Prior to starting an application, your company’s corporate information must be registered with the OAP

Ontario Business Grants Funding Timeline

The application deadline for this round of funding is August 25, 2014 at 5pm.  However, applicants are encouraged to begin the process as soon as possible in order to avoid the possibility of missing their opportunity to seek funding.

Learn More about the IDM Fund and Other Relevant Funding Opportunities

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