Update: Growing Forward 2 Ontario Business Grants for Food Processors


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bigstock-Stack-of-frozen-hamburgers-23962784As a food processor in Ontario, you should be familiar with the Growing Forward 2 government funding initiative for SMEs. There have been a few updates for the Ontario provincial stream, particularly with the Project Implementation sub-stream in the last month that may renew your interest in the program.

Updated Definition of a Processor eligible for GF2 business grants Ontario:

This definition has been updated to include producers whose business activities include some processing.

Processors eligible for Growing Forward 2 Ontario business grants are businesses that:

  • Constitute a legal entity;
  • Are currently actively engaged and directly involved in the processing, modification, and/or transformation of agricultural commodities, food, beverage or agricultural based bio products in Ontario;
  • File business and/or farm income/loss taxes in Ontario; and
  • Have a valid and updated Premises Identification Number.
  • If you are an eligible producer under the GF2 Producer Implementation Funding Assistance program, you may be eligible for the GF2 Processor Implementation Funding Assistance program if your project includes activities that are processing related.
  • Projects must clearly demonstrate modification, and/or transformation of agricultural commodities, food, beverage or agricultural based bio products.

Clarification of When Expenses are Reimbursed:

An expense is eligible when the work or service has been completed or received, regardless of when the actual payment(s) for the service are made.

Growing Forward 2 Supporting Documentation:

Winning applications include supporting documentation to justify and explain your project. This information can include:

  • Diagrams,
  • Market research,
  • Studies,
  • Letters of support from your supply chain and your partners

Growing Forward 2 Eligible Expenses Update:

Software is considered to be a non-capital expense for the program. For Market Development projects, eligible expenses now include software systems and capital costs.

Growing Forward 2 Ontario Business Grants for Food Processors

Growing Forward 2 funding is a great opportunity for Food Processors to grow and expand your business. To find out more about The Top Government Funding Opportunities for Agriculture and Agri-Food, Attend a Complimentary Government Funding Workshop and or Webinar, which is free for established SMEs in Ontario and across Canada.

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