Growing Forward 2 Ontario Business Grants for Processors


Reading Time: 3 minutes

production cookie in factoryGrowing Forward 2  Ontario small business grants for Ontario Food and Agri-Product Processors is designed to help Ontario’s farm, food and agri-businesses grow and expand their businesses. As part of this 5-year program, Ontario agri-product and food processors are able to access Ontario government funding support through two streams of funding:

Grants for Small Business in Ontario Focus Areas

Projects for either stream must fit with one of the six focus areas of the Growing Forward 2 program:

  1. Environment and Climate Change Adaptation
  2. Animal and Plant Health
  3. Market Development
  4. Labour Productivity Enhancement
  5. Assurance Systems (Food Safety, Traceability and Animal Welfare)
  6. Business and Leadership Development

Government Business Grants Ontario Applicant Eligibility

For this business grants Ontario program there are two types of eligible applicants:

1. Processors Eligible for Ontario Small Business Grants

  • Businesses directly working in the processing, modification and/or transformation of agricultural commodities, food, beverage or agricultural based bio-products in Ontario.
  • File business and/or farm income/loss taxes in Ontario
  • Have a Premises Identification Number

2. New Food and Agri-Product Processors Eligible for Ontario Government Funding

  • New to the food and agri-product processing industry and have business projections that demonstrate potential annual gross income of $30,000 or more within 3 years of applying
  • File personal income taxes in Ontario
  • Have not filed taxes as a food or agri-product processing business in the previous two years.
  • Have a Premises Identification Number (if processing facility is established)

Small Business Grants Ontario Project Eligibility

Under the Capacity Building Stream, eligible include:

  • Education, Training, Skills Development
  • Audits or Assessments
  • Strategic Planning

Information on the Project Implementation stream of Ontario government funding will be available in August 2013.

Funding for Small Business Additional Details

Small business funding grants support through the Capacity Building Stream for successful applications is a non-repayable contribution of 50% of the project costs. There is a cap on funding available to an individual business from the Growing Forward 2 funding of $350,000 over the 5-year duration of the program. However, there are no limits on the number of projects a business can do throughout the 5 years or at one time. Projects must start within 3 months of project approval and be completed within 18 months.

Ontario Business Grants Timeline

Applications accepted under this stream will be accepted on an on-going basis and assessed on their alignment with the focus areas and desired outcomes of the Growing Forward 2 Ontario Program. Expect to receive a decision on your application from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food within 45 days of receiving your application.

For more information on this and other funding programs, please contact a Canadian government funding expert at Ryan, or click “get started” and fill out the contact form to begin your application as soon as possible.



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