IDM Fund: Discoverability and Commercialization Program
Ontario Creates, a provincial organization designed to fortify and spur economic growth in the interactive digital media sector of Ontario, is increasing the support they are providing applicants of their IDM Fund Production program with a new program called the Discoverability and Commercialization Program (DCP).
“The Ontario Creates Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Fund is aimed at strengthening and stimulating economic growth in the interactive digital media sector.“ […] “The priority is to support activities that have clear and measurable results projections with a plan to achieve these goals.”
The DCP program is designed to further progress projects by providing funding that will make products more visible and financially viable to commercialize. However, this funding is only for projects that have produced projects that are currently being made publicly available or after Public Launch. It is important to note that the Discoverability and Commercialization Program is being implemented to replace the previous IDM Fund Marketing Support program.
Funding Amount
Successful applicants of the IDM Fund’s Discoverability and Commercialization Program may receive a non-refundable sum of up to 50% of eligible project costs with a minimum contribution of $15,000 to a maximum of $50,000 per project per application. Please note that the remaining 50% of funding must come from an alternative source, such as a third party funder with at least 10% of funding in cash form.
Eligible Applicants
Applicants for the Discoverability and Commercialization Program may be eligible if they meet the following criteria
- Successful applicants must already be receiving funding from the IDM Fund Production Program. The funding must also be for the same project that is receiving Production program. Applicants must apply and receive approval to apply. This can be accomplished by sending an Applicant Inquiry (AI) from their IDM Fund Production project page in the Online Application Portal (OAP).
To learn more about eligibility requirements for this new IDM funding, visit the Discoverability and Commercialization Program page.
Eligible Projects
Please note that for this initiative, “Public Launch” is defined as “Public Launch occurs when a product is made publicly available to an audience and/or enters the revenue generating stage and may include releases commonly known as ‘early access.’” Applicants for the Discoverability and Commercialization Program may be eligible if they meet each of the following criteria:
- Projects must have an impact on the product’s engagement, it’s reach and revenue generation potential in a measurable way;
- Projects should be taking place during and/or after Public Launch;
- The project should begin within 18 months after Public Launch and should correspondingly finish within one year successful application notification;
- The application should not be for activities taking place at time of application submission or, for a project already in progress. Also, applications should prove how funding may improve the scope and positive impact of the activity; and
- Ontario suppliers must be used where possible.
Learn more about program criteria by reviewing the Discoverability and Commercialization Program page.
Program Timeline/Deadline
The IDM Fund’s Discoverability and Commercialization Program has a deadline of January 31, 2022. Applications for this program may be submitted up to six months before a public launch, as well as up to 16 months after. However, applicants that are approved must commence incurring expenses prior to 60 days after approval notification, with projects being fully completed one-year post-approval. To be safe, applications should be submitted eight weeks prior to requiring funds.
Exploring Government Funding Opportunities
Although the Community Resilience Fund offers promising opportunities for Ontario municipalities, there are many more funding programs for available to choose from. If your organization is looking for a broader variety of funding opportunities, visit our general government funding directory.
Understanding your funding options when it comes time to expand can be difficult, which is why this Expand Manufacturing Production resource uncovers the top 13 Canadian government funding programs that can support your project.

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