Canadian Government Funding Update: CME Still Available for a Limited Time


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bigstock-manufacturing-parts-for-car-en-26269853CME SMART Prosperity Now, administered by Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) and funded by Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), has announced that there are 50 spots still available for consideration for Canadian government funding, for a limited time. CME SMART Prosperity Now is about fostering the long-term growth for small to medium size businesses.

Interested Ontario manufacturers must promote growth by transitioning to a more sustainable business model through enhancing productivity, integrating new and innovative technologies to products and/or processes that include alternative energy and clean technology considerations for future prosperity and global export opportunities.

Small Business Grants Canada Eligibility & Application

To be eligible for SMART Prosperity Now government grants for small business, applicants must be an incorporated small – mid size manufacturer in Southern Ontario with between 15 – 1000 employees and looking to invest in product and process improvements that will develop and expand your export opportunities and global competitiveness.

Projects must focus on exporting through the adoption of innovative new equipment to either improve their productivity or production capabilities to be more competitive in one or more export markets. CME SMART Prosperity Now covers 33% of costs through grant funding for business, up to $75,000 in funding; thus, projects should be ≥$225K to receive the full funding amount.

IMPORTANT: All projects must be able to be completed on or before September 30, 2013 and expenses must clear your bank account by the end of August 2013.

Eligibility-CriteriaOPA Business Funding Grants UpdateGet-Started

Learn More about CME Funding for Small Business Capital Equipment

For more information on CME SMART Prosperity Now Eligibility & Application Guidelines please visit our previous article, titled: Canadian Government Grants Update: CME Smart Expected to Close Soon

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