» » » » Canadian Government Funding: The AgriInnovation Program

Canadian Government Funding: The AgriInnovation Program

The AgriInnovation Program (AIP) is a five-year initiative as a part of Growing Forward 2 beginning April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2018, with a project completion date of January 31, 2018 to allow for a program evaluation to occur.   The AIP Enabling Commercialization and Adoption Stream is focused on helping companies with commercializing or harnessing innovative agri-products, technologies, or services.   Offered through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), the AgriInnovation Program (AIP) provides agricultural businesses across Canada a fully repayable loan at 0% interest for a variety of expenditures that will improve the company’s productivity or promote innovation.   As the program begins in 2013, the focus will be on pre-commercialization product demonstration and product commercialization. Although this stream was created with Adoption projects in mind, funding can be obtained, initially, through Agri-Processing Initiative, a more established program with remaining funding. Agri-Processing Initiative will remain open until April 2014 or until funding is fully allocated, at which point  the Growing Forward 2 AgriInnovation Program’s Enabling Commercialization and Adoption Stream will focus on adoption projects, in addition to commercialization projects.

Type of Funding for Small Business & Funding Limitations

The following are characteristics and limitations for the use of the Agri-Innovation Program’s Enabling Commercialization & Adoption Stream:

  • This funding is a repayable loan
  • The maximum funding per project is $10 million, while the normal awarded amount is $2 million.
  • Maximum $10 million per year, in total, from any combination of Agri-Innovation steams
  • Stacking funding cannot exceed 75% of the project cost
  • In-kind contributions are not eligible

Canadian Government Funding Terms of Repayment

For this Canadian government funding program the 10-year repayment term begins 1 year after the project is completed. Interest is not charged with the exception of late payments or outstanding debts.

­More Information on the AgriInnovation Program’s Enabling Commercialization & Adoption Stream

For more information on this government funding for business program please choose from one of the following options:

Also look to our AgriInnovation FAQ’s blog if you have further questions regarding this program.

Again, until April 2014 please projects classified as  “adoption” will be pointed to the Agri-Processing Initiative for funding support.

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