Please Note: ASCIP’s final application intake has closed. Ontario automotive manufacturers should explore the Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (OAMP) for funding support.
The Automotive Supplier Competitiveness Improvement Program (ASCIP) is an Ontario government funding program that supports automotive manufacturing technology adoption projects. Through ASCIP funding, automotive suppliers can access Ontario business grants to offset a portion of costs related to hardware and software upgrades. Upon completing an ASCIP-funded project, automotive manufacturers are more productive and globally competitive than would be otherwise possible.
ASCIP funding offsets up to 50% of project costs to a maximum $100,000 in automotive technology grants.
The program has one upcoming intake date for interested manufacturers to submit applications. To access ASCIP funding automotive companies must apply by January 31, 2019. Companies who’ve received ASCIP funding in past application periods may re-apply given its been two or more years since their last application, and they have not reached the program’s $100,000 lifetime maximum.
About the Automotive Supplier Competitiveness Improvement Program (ASCIP)
The Automotive Supplier Competitiveness Improvement Program helps Ontario automotive manufacturers adopt innovative hardware and manufacturing software platforms. By reducing the costs of these types of projects, manufacturers can introduce technologies faster and better respond to emerging market opportunities.
ASCIP funding supports projects by offsetting up to 50% of project costs to a maximum $100k in automotive grants.
ASCIP has two unique funding streams, including:
- Technology Projects: Adopting new production software or hardware, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.
- Mentorship Projects: Receiving feedback on business operations to develop and implement growth plans.
Applicant Eligibility for ASCIP Grants
ASCIP provides automotive business grants to applicants that:
- Are an incorporated Canadian business with established manufacturing operations in Ontario;
- Employ less than 500 workers or earn less than $1,000,000 in global revenue; and
- Generate at least 50% of annual revenues through Canada’s automotive industry.
Furthermore, to access ASCIP for a second time, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Received less than $100,000 through your first application.
- Submitted a previous application two years ago or more.
- Have a new project that is mutually exclusive from the last project.
Project Eligibility for ASCIP Funding
ASCIP will consider funding automotive manufacturing projects that:
- Can be completed within 24 months of project start date;
- Adopt new automotive technologies and processes;
- Advance product life-cycle management;
- Improve productivity, capacity, innovation, and competitiveness;
- Position the business to be more responsive to emerging market trends; and
- Enhance product life-cycles by improving equipment runtime, energy consumption, technology, and/or sales revenues.
Success Stories: How Ryan’ Clients Use ASCIP Funding
Ryan’ Government Funding Planners™ have helped several Ontario automotive manufacturers develop competitive ASCIP funding applications. Some projects we’ve seen successfully approved through ASCIP’s Technology and Mentorship streams include:
- Client 1: Awarded nearly $90k to participate in ASCIP’s Technology Stream to implement new software, programming, and hardware that will lead to new co-processing capabilities, improved efficiency and output. The project helped improve the business’ competitiveness and ability to capitalize on large-scale customer contracts.
- Client 2: Awarded nearly $50k to participate in ASCIP’s Technology Stream to invest in software that optimizes shop floor data. The project allowed the business to improve cross-departmental communications, increase productivity, and decrease product imperfections.
- Client 3: Awarded $21k to participate in ASCIP’s Technology Stream to modify and customize Shoptech E2 software. The project led to improved productivity and industry competitiveness through the facilitation of more informed business decisions.
- Client 4: Awarded $100k to participate in ASCIP’s Mentorship Stream to work with Harbour Results to assess current processes, improve data collection, and enhance assessment of KPIs. As a result, the company will develop new services and business models, lower costs, increase productivity and flexibility, and boost competitiveness on an international scale.
How to Access ASCIP Funding for Automotive Manufacturers
To get started with the Automotive Supplier Competitiveness Improvement Program, eligible automotive manufacturers must develop and submit a project proposal. If the company and project are deemed a good fit for ASCIP funding, applicants are provided online access information where they can retrieve the full funding application and submit all required documents.