The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service – International Market Intelligence


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Canadian companies interested in free information about a prospective international market should tap into their respective Canadian Trade Commissioner. These Commissioners are responsible for just about every country in the world, with individual representatives for the most popular industry sectors in a given region.

Valuable Government Resources for International Markets

India and China are two of the most rapidly growing regions in the world. Companies from around the world are flocking to countries like these in order to assist with the economic development, however it can be difficult for smaller companies to conduct the proper market research needed to properly enter the market.

Canadian International Expansion Funding Opportunities

If you are looking to increase your export activity, there are many funding mechanisms available to help. Ryan offers support and expert advice on several government funding programs related to international expansion. Export Market Access rewards businesses with a $50,000 grant towards an international trade show. Going Global Innovation is a $75,000 grant towards an international partnership in order to create a new technology or product in Canada. The Export Manager Program allows $80,000 towards the hiring of an Export Manager.

For more information on these and other funding possibilities, please sign up for one of our Free 60 Minute Workshop on Government Funding in Cambridge, Hamilton, and Burlington, Ontario.

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