One Way to Never Miss a Canadian Government Funding Update


Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Canadian government funding landscape is constantly shifting and evolving. Hundreds of grants and incentives co-exist across the federal, provincial, and municipal levels and are further divided and administered through their own specific funding agencies. This creates a complex ecosystem of funding that can seem daunting for Canadian businesses.

So how do Canadian business owners stay on top of the government funding landscape? That’s the question we set out to answer with our Weekly Funding Snapshot Newsletter.

The Ryan Funding Snapshot Newsletter

Our newsletter is Ryan’ most popular government funding resource. It incorporates funding updates, resources to educate businesses on funding, and helpful market trends and tools to enable a business to uncover strategic growth opportunities that can also be paired with funding opportunities.

 Contact the Ryan Canadian Government Funding Team

Integrating funding into a business’ strategic planning processes is the fundamental purpose of our Proactive Funding Approach™. Businesses must be aware of the funding programs that exist to support strategic investments. The Funding Snapshot newsletter will keep you updated on any funding advancements.

We take great responsibility in making sure our clients and Canadian business owners are provided with the latest news regarding the Canadian government funding landscape.

Through our marketing channels such as our daily blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, webinars and live events, and government funding resources, we’re providing our network with the latest industry events, market trends, and Canadian business grant releases.

Another one of the top ways we share small business news is through the Government Funding Snapshot Newsletter. Conveniently sent directly to your inbox every Monday, this is one of the best ways we’re making sure you stay up to date on critical funding and business opportunities.

Newsletter Topics: What Can Subscribers Expect?

Subscribers can look forward to comprehensive summaries of funding success stories, market trends, funding tools, and new or updated Canadian government funding programs every week. This saves our readers the inconvenience of missing a potentially important update or having to check our website daily.

Government Funding Program Launches & Updates

To simplify the landscape, we categorize government funding into four different categories: (1) Hiring & Training, (2) Business Expansion, (2) Capital & Tech Adoption, and (3) Research & Development. Subscribers will receive updates and launch articles detailing funding specific to each of those funding topics, in addition to some niche programs that we think would also be of value to some Canadian businesses.

Our articles will focus on the details that matter most to you, the Canadian business owner, including the amount of funding available, percentage of costs supported, eligibility factors for both the applicant and project, key timelines, and links to past success stories when applicable to help interested businesses gain a greater understanding of what a successful project looks like.

Funding Success Stories

One of the most effective ways of knowing how to benefit from government funding is to see how other businesses have done so. We often highlight a successful government funding applicant in an article. These articles will explore the business receiving funding, the funding program itself, how much funding was awarded, what it was for, and the perceived impact of the funding on the business, economy, and its growth trajectory.

Business Funding Resources

As part of our mission to educate businesses on government funding, Ryan has created a variety of educational funding resources for each stage of your business’ strategic planning efforts. We talk about how to create a strategic growth plan, how to navigate government funding, how to recruit top talent, how to expand your manufacturing business, and so much more.

These free, downloadable resources are a great way to discover and evaluate funding programs to accelerate your business growth plan.

Market Trends

Innovation is a common theme amongst Canadian business funding incentives. An applicant’s new product, process, or technology will evolve their business and sometimes their entire industry. It’s important to know in which direction your industry is heading. This is why we report on the top market trends and research reports, as they forecast what businesses should be focusing on to stay competitive and innovative. It’s common for trending new advancements in an industry to also be supported by government funding. Our articles will often connect funding to these trends as well.

Business Funding Events

Ryan hosts several government funding webinars each month on a number of topics, such as hiring, training, research, business expansion, and everything in between. Every month, we’ll send an update on the top business events to consider attending.

Never Miss a Beat in the World of Canadian Government Funding

Subscribe to the Government Funding E-Newsletter and we’ll make sure your business stays up to date with the constantly evolving business funding landscape.

 Contact the Ryan Canadian Government Funding Team

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