9 Online Planning Resources to Help Your Small Business


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It is no secret that the Internet is being harnessed by the commercial sector worldwide. It opens up the global market to anyone with a computer and Internet access. But more than that, the Internet hosts many precious tools that all small businesses should be tapping into.

Here are my top picks to get any small business off their feet:

1. Business Number

Register here for a Business Number to access several Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) accounts, including the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), Payroll deductions, Import/Export and Corporate Income Tax. This is critical to the legitimacy of your business, so register right now.

2. Business Online Services

The Ontario government offers various online services catered towards businesses across all industries. Check out their list to determine what ones are suitable to give your business a push in the right direction.

3. Business Plan Templates and Samples

Creating a business plan is no small undertaking. Make sure your plan contains all the pertinent information that banks require to make a decision on financing your project. There are sample business plans to help with your design and structure, as well as tips and frequently asked questions (FAQ). Your business plan is both the resume and roadmap of your company; utilize this tool to make it shine and lead the way forward.

4. Goods & Service Tax (HST) Online Registrants

Businesses that generate a gross revenue (total sales before deducting expenses) of more than $30,000 in any twelve-month period must register for the HST. This website resource will help you through the registration process to ensure your company is taken care of.

5. Multi Web Concepts

Is your company ready to tap into millions of potential customers online? Create a domain name and select website hosting options that are incredibly inexpensive and easy to use.

6. Ontario Business Registration & Renewal

Register or renew your business, and apply to the Ontario Ministry of Revenue for the Harmonization Sales Tax (HST) and Employer Health Tax (EHT), and to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).

7. Ontario Taxes

This is a great tool to file, pay and view Ontario business taxes online. Avoid unaccommodating office hours and get it all done online, 24/7.

8. Record of Employment on the Web

Save time on your Record of Employment procedures by creating and submitting the ROE forms via the Internet. With this tool, you can send multiple ROEs, receive instant validation and more.

9. SR & ED Tax Credit Self Assessment Tool

An efficient tool to determine if you qualify for the Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit. Does your business qualify? Find out now!

I am sure there are many more helpful resources online, so feel free to add to this list in the comment section below.

You can also contact me directly if you would like to learn more about how we can help your small business.

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