Funding Incentives for Improving Business Sustainability
Many business owners are beginning to realize the benefits of greening their businesses by reducing their energy consumption and retrofitting inefficient technologies. Toronto Hydro is offering several small business funding incentives for their customers in the GTA. These incentives are intended to improve the environmental sustainability of the Toronto Region by enhancing the energy efficiencies of its surrounding businesses.
Benefits for Ontario Businesses
Toronto Hydro is offering their incentives to Canadian SMEs with fewer than 500 employees in the GTA. These programs would provide significant benefits to the areas containing industries; especially food and beverage processors. Some of the programs that are currently available include:
- Funding for Energy Performance Audits: Toronto Hydro provides funding for businesses to evaluate their facilities energy performance. Businesses can be reimbursed for up to 50% of the energy audit expenses. The program is intended to provide a comprehensive evaluation of a buildings energy performance to determine a strategy to maximize energy savings.
- Financial Incentives for Equipment Retrofits: Businesses can receive funding for projects that involve the adoption of energy-efficient equipment and technologies. These incentives could provide up to a maximum of 50% of the project costs while improving the businesses bottom line through future energy cost savings.
Canadian Business Funding Grants for Sustainable Business
Those who would be interested in learning more about the opportunities for receiving Ontario Government Funding to Green Your Business can contact one of our Canadian Government Funding Experts or sign up for one of our Free 60 Minute Small Business Funding Workshops. Businesses can also receive daily up-dates on Government Grants for Small Business by following us on Twitter or subscribing to us on LinkedIn.
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