Federal Government Invests in New Equipment to Ensure Quality & Safety of Manitoba Milk


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On December 15, 2014, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) announced a $397,000 investment to support the purchase of testing equipment for an accredited laboratory in Winnipeg, Manitoba called Horizon Lab Ltd.

About Growing Forward 2 Funding Recipient, Horizon Lab Ltd.

Horizon Lab is a subsidiary of Dairy Farmers of Manitoba (DFM), which provided an additional $190,000 to install and accredit the new equipment. DFM represents the interests of Manitoba dairy farmers at both a provincial and national level. Additionally, DFM helps to ensure the quality of its products as well as delivering nutrition and dairy agriculture education programs.

Funding Provided through the Growing Forward 2 Funding Initiative

The federal and provincial governments are investing $176 million in Manitoba under Growing Forward 2, a five-year federal-provincial-territorial policy framework to advance the agriculture industry,. Growing Forward 2 was created to help producers and processors become more innovative and competitive in world markets by addressing industry challenges and supporting areas for growth and advancement. In addition to federal funding available across the nation, each province/ territory has their own funding allocation to address their specific challenges and focus areas.

 Our government is proud to support innovative initiatives like these that ensure top-quality food products and increase consumer confidence. Demand for safe and nutritious Canadian milk creates jobs and opportunities for our farmers and processors to expand their operations. – Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

New Testing Equipment will Enhance Food Safety for Manitobans

The investment in testing equipment offered through Growing Forward 2 will improve the quality of testing performed on milk to determine presence of antibiotic residues or other contaminants. Milk that tests positive for antibiotic residue, or otherwise does not meet quality standards will be properly discarded of. The equipment being purchased can also be adapted to provide analysis and food safety testing for a wide range of products, from cereal grants to meat.

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