NOHFC Emerging Technology Program


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The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation’s (NOHFC) Emerging Technology Program (ETP) is designed to encourage the private and public sectors to develop exciting and viable new technologies that will contribute to future Northern Ontario’s economy.  The research and development funding program goal is to support the research, development and innovation of new technologies that will contribute to future northern prosperity. The program administers business funding grants or loans to the research and developing of new technologies.

ETP Ontario Government Funding Eligibility for Public Sector

The following are eligible for these small business government grants or loans:

  • Partnerships and alliances comprising municipalities, private sector businesses and organizations, federal government and other government-related agencies
  • Municipalities, First Nations, not-for-profit corporations and educational institutions may apply
  • Projects located in Northern Ontario

The following types of projects are eligible in the Emerging Technology Program:

  • Value-added products
  • Biotechnology and life sciences projects
  • Centres of Excellence
  • Film development and production
  • Information and communications technology infrastructure

Ontario Government Funding Eligibility for Private Sector

There are two eligible groups that can receive these business funding grants and loans:

  1. Private sector companies or consortiums of companies
  2. Applicant should be prepared to become incorporated and be incorporated prior to receiving funding

The maximum grant funding for business amount is 50% of eligible costs or up to $100,000 for an R&D project or $1,000,000 for a manufacturing project where 50% is a grant and 50% is a repayable loan.

Applying for Small Business Funding Grants and Loans

For those who are interested in learning more about the current opportunities for Small Business Funding Grants in Ontario are encouraged to sign up for a 60 Minute Canadian Government Funding Workshop or contacting one of our Canadian Government Funding Experts. Businesses can also receive regular updates on grant funding for business in Ontario by following us on LinkedIn or Facebook.

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