Ontario Business Grants: Local Food Fund Overview


Reading Time: 3 minutes

bigstock-Green-seedlings-in-new-life-co-41057149The up to $10 million per year Local Food Fund is a program offered through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food that funds up to 50% of eligible project expenses.  The business grants Ontario funding can also be stacked with other funding to fund up to 75%, while some exceptions (for hardship) may permit recipients to receive up to 90% in funding for the supported project.

Local Food Fund business grants Ontario –Objective

The Local Food Fund business grants Ontario program supports innovative local food projects that reduce barriers to regional economic development; result in sustainable economic development and have a positive impact on the Ontario economy.

Local Food Fund government grants Ontario –Important Information

Deadlines to submit Application: December 31, 2013, February 28, April 30, June 30, August 31, October 31, December 31, 2014

Total Funding Pool: $10 million/year

Funding Amount: 50%, stacking up to 75%

Reimbursement: Payments based on the receipt of paid eligible invoices along with proof of payments. There is a 10% holdback applied until all final reports are submitted and accepted. Claim submission as frequent as desired. Minimum claim of $200. All claims must be made by March 31st each Year. Except last year: Claims and final reports by Feb 15, 2013.

Local Food Fund Ontario government grants –Eligible Organizations

Corporations, community or not-for-profit organizations, primary producers, food processors, distributors, food service, retail, municipalities, industry associations, economic development associations, First Nations, Metis and Inuit, and broader public sector organizations.

Note: Research institutions interested in benefiting from the Local Food Fund must apply with a co-applicant from the list of eligible organizations above.

Small Business Government Grants –Additional Eligibility Factors:

  • Be able to provide financial funding to the project and have the knowledge and experience to complete the project.
  • Located in Ontario.

Government Small Business Grants Ontario –Project Eligibility

In order to qualify for Local Food Fund business grants projects should meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Innovative Projects that support increased awareness of local food;
  • Support demand for and access to local food.
  • Can be single year or multi-year if continuous in nature.
  • Support two or more of the Local Food Fund program outcomes.
  • Projects include performance measures to assess outcomes.
  • Innovative – new to the province or sector. Innovation can be developed in Ontario or elsewhere but being used for the first time (or one of few times) in Ontario.
  • Demonstrate Project Management experience – two or more projects of a similar scope or scale.
  • Demonstrate Strong Collaborative Processes and strategic alliances.
  • Have a clear plan to continue the project objectives past the funding of the Local Food Fund.
  • Have a plan to share or transfer project knowledge and results to others.
  • Project aligns with two or more provincial priorities.

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