SCAP – AgriScience Program

Receive up to $5 Million in Agri Funding.

Through the AgriScience Program, the agricultural and agri-food sector and Canadians can accelerate innovation through pre-commercial science activities and research. There are three priority areas in the program: Climate Change and Environment, Economic Growth and Development, or Sector Resilience and Societal Challenges.

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Annual Funding Applications Supported

Apply for This Funding Program

Give your application the best chance of approval. Ryan supports the writing of applications for more than 100 Canadian federal and provincial government grants, tax credits, and no-interest loan programs.

Amount of Funding

Amount of Funding

Up to $5 million can be awarded to this program for a non-repayable portion of the project’s eligible costs. Applications are available for:

  • Industry-funded non-repayable contributions;
  • Support for collaborative research and development from AAFC scientists; or
  • Both together.
Eligible Applicants

Eligible Applicants

Applicants may be eligible if they meet the following criteria:

  • For-profit organizations, including communes;
  • Not-for-profit organizations, including associations, clubs, co-operatives, societies, and sector councils; and
  • Indigenous individuals and organizations.
Accessible Technology Program (ATP)

Eligible Activities

Projects may be eligible if they meet the following criteria:

Climate change and environment:

  • Activities can include greenhouse gas emissions reduction or carbon sequestration, climate change adaption, soil health, water quality, air quality, biodiversity, and plastics.

Economic growth and development:

  • Activities can include developing emerging technologies that address issues such as labour challenges, increasing productivity, improving input use efficiency, supporting alternative production systems and increasing value-added domestic and export sales of agriculture, food and agri-based industrial products.

Sector resilience and societal challenges:

  • Activities can include antimicrobial resistance, animal health and welfare, plant health, food security, biological alternatives to chemical inputs and the use of artificial intelligence and big data in agriculture.
Eligible Activities

Program Deadline

Speak with a member of our team to find the latest intake period info for this program or subscribe to our newsletter to be notified.

Average of
Time Saving


Throughout the application process

Apply for Funding

Successfully applying for the right funding program at the right time, focusing on the right topics is no easy challenge. We provide an average 95% time savings to our clients, compared to businesses that apply for funding in-house.

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