Protein Industries Canada (PIC)

Receive up to 50% of expenses in Government Funding.

The Protein Industries Canada (PIC) program supports collaborative product or process research, technology development, and export market development projects related to expanding Canada’s plant-based protein sector. As administered by Protein Industries Canada (PIC), the program taps into Innovation Superclusters Initiative (ISI) funding to support businesses and their partners to complete plant protein and plant-based co-product projects.

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Annual Funding Applications Supported

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Amount of Funding

Amount of Funding

Access up to  50% of eligible expenses with no defined maximum contribution for collaborative product, process, technology, or export market development projects. Remaining project funds must be supported by at least two project partners.

Eligible Applicants

Eligible Applicants

To be eligible, applicants must meet this criteria:

  • Applicants should have at least two Protein Industries Canada (PIC) members actively participating in the project:
    • One must be a small to medium sized enterprise (SME) with <500 employees and below $50 million in gross revenues annually; and
    • Applicants are asked to consider incorporating an academic or research institution.
  • Participants to the project should contribute with at least two project partners financially investing;
  • The participants have to be Canadian companies, or multi-national corporations which are entitled to do business in Canada, legally, and operate a large Canadian operation; and
  • All contributors have to be PIC members. Membership is $500/organization.
Accessible Technology Program (ATP)

Eligible Activities

For a project to be eligible, it must meet the following criteria:

  • Create: Advanced breeding technologies and germplasm development.
    • Improvements to protein content, quality and functionality with an aim to improve processing efficiency, and the development of novel food ingredients.
  • Grow: Production and sustainability goals achieved via data and predictive analytic technologies, AI, automation, and sensor technology.
    • Reduce cost, improve sustainability and increase understanding of the effects of production practices on protein quality and quantity.
  • Make: Enhance current processes or develop new technologies to increase efficiency, decrease energy consumption, or develop entirely new products.
    • Help companies scale, attract investment, and meet the need for product consistency.
  • Sell: Act on new markets in the human, livestock, aquaculture and pet food sectors.
    • Build Canada’s advantage as a food and ingredient global supplier to leverage increased demand for plant proteins via pre-competitive research, prototyping and testing, improved trade relationships, and trade literacy.
Eligible Activities

Program Deadline

PIC has the following program timelines:

  • Open two-stage application process including an Expression of Interest (EOI) and, if called forward, a full application
  • Approved EOIs can transition to a full application/proposal
  • Any costs incurred before signing a Contribution Agreement are ineligible
  • Expected project length is 12-48 months.

Speak with a member of our team to find the latest intake period info for this program or subscribe to our newsletter to be notified.

Average of
Time Saving


Throughout the application process

Apply for Funding

Successfully applying for the right funding program at the right time, focusing on the right topics is no easy challenge. We provide an average 95% time savings to our clients, compared to businesses that apply for funding in-house.

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