Client Spotlight: InsightNG Solutions Ltd. of Ontario, Canada & New Zealand


Reading Time: 3 minutes

mentor-worksNeil Movold is the Founder & CEO of InsightNG Solutions Limited, an exciting software development firm that has created a collaborative mapping tool that automatically finds relevant content, helping decision makers find solutions, fast. Neil’s business chose to partner with Ryan small business grants experts based on his interest to explore R&D funding initiatives to find top talent and technology at universities and colleges to complement their product development efforts and we recently had the opportunity to talk with him about the experience.

Why did you decide to use Ryan Canadian government funding experts to assist you with the funding procedure?

“We decided to use Ryan to assist us with our funding process due to their extensive experience and understanding of the Canadian government grants ecosystem in Canada. There are numerous Canadian business grants opportunities, but to the uninitiated, it is quite complex and difficult to understand the nuances involved in putting together an efficient and effective funding program that best suites the needs of the company, especially an early-stage company such as ours.”

How did working with Ryan change your beliefs about Canadian government funding for small businesses?

“Through working with Bernadeen McLeod, we have a much better understanding and appreciation for how the Ontario and Federal Governments are focused on using tax payer funds to assist with the growth of the local, regional and national economies via strategic growth related funding.  Historically, it would be perceived that government grant funding was only for the large and established companies, but in recent times, it is evident that government funding is also providing for the much smaller and riskier start-up ecosystem, which in many cases has the potential for high growth value to the economy.”

“I would recommend Ryan without hesitation”

How was the grant application process? What obstacles were removed by working with Ryan?

“The (grant application) process was very efficient and effective. Bernadeen spent invaluable time with us, learning about our business, our challenges and needs as a very young company. From this investment of time, her experience and understanding of our business enabled her to put together a plan for harnessing the right Canadian government grants, at the right time and in the right way. This process removed many barriers for us, especially the amount of time it would have taken us to explore and understand the various small business grants available and applying for them in an efficient manner….I would recommend Ryan without hesitation.”

What was the most valuable aspect of working with Ryan?

“Although there are numerous government small business grants available to companies, it is a very time consuming task to understand them all, keep up to the changes that occur to them over time and understand how to apply them to the business.  Having someone in person to talk to and take us through the available options was invaluable.”

How did the funding received affect your business objectives?

“We were able to explore and accelerate new areas of R&D that we would not have been able to do otherwise.  This has led us to gain greater understanding of areas of our Intellectual Property, thus increasing the value of our business.”

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