29 Media Companies Win $11.2M in Funding Via Creative Export Canada


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Canadian media companies continue to come up against new challenges as the industry faces new technologies that require adoption, while new opportunities have opened through an ever-expanding globalized market. The increased technology and market demands require equivalent growth in supply, a challenge that can be supported by many government funding programs at the federal and provincial levels.

The Creative Export Canada program (CEC) is a popular government funding program in the Canadian media sector that promotes export revenue and helps Canadian creative industries reach more people around the world. Recently, CEC has funded 29 Canadian companies that represent a variety of industries, such as television, video game development, music, and more.

The program was developed in 2018 for the purpose of expanding Canada’s reach in the global market. Although the CEC program is currently closed, there may be future intakes ahead that Canadian media companies could look to capitalize on. The successful 29 applicants for the fifth intake received a combined $11.2M in funding, and were required to fall within the following program eligibility criteria.

Funding Amount

Total financial assistance from CEC and other government funding could not exceed 75%. The program funded up to a maximum of $2.5 million per application.

Only one application per deadline was permitted for this intake.

Applicant Eligibility

To be eligible for the Creative Export Canada program, businesses were required to meet the following criteria:

  • Is incorporated under the laws of Canada, a province or a territory;
  • Is a for-profit company or not-for-profit organization;
  • Is Canadian-owned and -controlled;
  • Has a maximum of $500M in annual revenues; and
  • Has a minimum of one full-time employee.

Eligible Activities

Activities that were funded via the last intake of the CEC program were asked to reflect the following values and requirements to be considered for funding:

  • Have export-ready content (ready to market, export research and plan fully developed);
  • Revenues from exports are expected to increase;
  • Invest in or support the following creative industries:
    • The audiovisual arts;
    • Exhibit design, fashion design, artistic product design, public art design, urban design;
    • Musical pieces;
    • Arts performance;
    • The publishing industry;
    • The visual arts;
    • The interactive digital media industry (in conjunction with at least one of the industries mentioned above).
  • $150,000 is the minimum total cost;
  • At least 25% of the funding must come from private sources (including the applicant’s own contributions); and
  • In order for a project to be funded, the applicant must own the intellectual property rights.

Program Timelines

This program is currently closed. It is no longer possible to submit funding applications for projects with expenses taking place between April 1, 2022, and March 31, 2023.

If your business is interested in applying for future intakes of the Creative Export Canada program or similar media-focused programs, make sure you sign up for our government funding newsletter. Our newsletters provide weekly updates on new government funding programs, intakes, and funding allotments, as well as offer key strategies for success and tools for leveraging grants, loans, tax incentives, and more.

Government Funding for Media Companies

The Canadian government funding landscape is dynamic and ever-changing. It is important for Canadian businesses to learn how to create a funding plan to ensure they are able to leverage funding opportunities to maximum their funding potential.

Moreover, although the CEC program is currently closed, there are many other government funding programs available for Canadian businesses. To see a comprehensive list of the top programs available today, please visit our Government Funding Directory.

Ryan streamlines the government funding process through optimized processes and resources. Businesses are paired with an experienced team of professional grant writers who complete each stage of the funding process.

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