MaRS Event Series – Best Practices for Small Business


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The MaRS organization is one Ontario’s largest and most well established not-for-profit groups to provide government funding for research and development. The organization’s goal is to support innovation by fostering collaboration between the worlds of science, business, and government. MaRS also provides useful advice and support to small businesses looking to adopt the industries’ best practices.

Best Practices Event Series: Partnerships – A Necessary Evil?

This event is geared towards those individuals and business owners who are considering the possibility of entering a new business partnership. Participants will receive the pros and cons of entering a new business partnership along with what to look for in a partner. The event will also provide information on typical alternatives to avoid entering a business partnership including the potential opportunities from applying for one of the Ontario Government Grants for Small Business.

When: Tuesday May 8, 2012 – 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Where: MaRS Studio –  101 College St. – Toronto, Ontario

Those who are interested can receive more information on the event and registration details by contacting a MaRS Representative.

Best Practices Event: SR&ED

A hot topic among business owners since the 2012 Federal Budget Release has been the changes to the Canadian Government Funding for Research and Development. This event would provide information for businesses that would like to learn more about the potential opportunities for scientific research and experimental development funding.

When: Thursday June 14, 2012

Where: MaRS Studio –  101 College St. – Toronto, Ontario

For additional event and registration details, contact a MaRS Event Representative.

Additional Resources for Research and Development Funding Advice

Businesses can receive additional Canadian Government Funding advice and support by contacting one of our Small Business Funding Experts. Our readers can also receive daily updates on the latest releases of Small Business Funding Grants by subscribing to our Weekly E-Newsletter or following us on Twitter.

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