Western Innovation Initiative (WINN) Awards $3.5M in Small Business Loans


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The Government of Canada has announced it will invest $3.5 million in funding to support an Alberta-based cleantech expansion project. The project will be carried out by Enerkem Alberta Biofuels, Rho Canada Ventures, and the Waste Management of Canada Corporation. Federal small business loans will help the partners to complete the final phase of a facility expansion project that will support innovative waste management practices.

The investment is being provided through the Western Innovation Initiative (WINN), which supports the development of advanced products and processes. The program provides eligible small and mid-sized businesses with up to 50% coverage of project expenses to a maximum $3.5 million in repayable funding.

Canadian government funding will help Enerkem Alberta Biofuels turn Edmonton’s garbage into new sources of energy. The highly innovative facility is one of the most significant developments within the waste and biorefinery sectors to date.

WINN Funding Supports Clean Technologies for Waste Management

Enerkem Alberta Biofuels, a subsidiary of Montreal-based Enerkem Inc., helps tackle waste disposal challenges through innovative waste-to-biofuels solutions. Since being established in 2014, the company has played a major role in increasing waste diversion in Edmonton, Alberta.

In November 2017, the Government of Canada announced it would be investing a total of $3.5 million in small business grants to support the company’s new waste-diversion facility. Enerkem Alberta Biofuels will convert non-recyclable, non-compostable municipal solid waste into liquid biofuels and chemicals. The commercial-scale facility will have the capacity to process harmful waste such as, textiles, non-recyclable plastics, and soiled food containers.

Once completed, the business will have the ability to process approximately 100,000 metric tons of solid waste each year and convert it into 40 million litres of cellulosic ethanol. This advancement in cleantech will help support Edmonton’s commitment to diverting up to 90% of household waste from local landfills.

“This facility is truly an example of the strength of Canadian innovation – solving the problems of today and proving that protecting the environment and growing the economy go hand in hand.”
– Amajeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

Western Innovation Initiative: Canadian Small Business Loans

The Western Innovation Initiative (WINN) supports small and mid-sized business developing innovative products and processes. Repayable funding allows manufacturers to accelerate technology-based product development, while also reducing the amount of time it takes to reach the marketplace. Funding assists businesses across western Canada that focus on commercialization to grow and support new employment opportunities.

Eligible projects may receive up to 50% coverage of expenses to a maximum $3.5 million in repayable small business loans.

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