OCE Voucher for Innovation and Productivity: Research Funding Awarded


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BacTech Environmental Corporation has been awarded $75,000 in Ontario research grants to collaborate with Laurentian University. Ontario government funding will help BacTech and Laurentian University test and refine bioleaching technologies that extract metals and stabilize arsenic found in mine tailings.

The partners hope to develop a sustainable solution for reducing the volume of arsenic and heavy metals produced through mining in North and South America. Improving gold concentrates will help businesses avoid penalties for exporting products that contain high levels of arsenic. The project will help BacTech demonstrate innovation, increase exports, and boost international competitiveness.

The Government of Ontario’s contribution will be provided through Ontario Centre of Excellence’s OCE Voucher for Innovation and Productivity (VIP) program. Government funding allows Ontario businesses to collaborate with academic institutions to develop, implement, and commercialize technical innovations. The program will provide academic partners with up to 50% of project costs to a maximum of $75,000 in Ontario small business vouchers.

OCE Voucher for Innovation & Productivity Funding Awarded to BacTech and Laurentian University

BacTech Environmental Corporation specializes in bioleaching technologies that stabilize arsenic and capture heavy metals released during mining excavations. The company focuses on addressing arsenic issues that lead to environmental degradation in specified regions worldwide. To advance bioleaching processes, the company recently partnered with Laurentian University to assist with technical research and environmental studies.

The project has been awarded $75,000 in vouchers through the OCE Voucher for Innovation and Productivity program. Small business vouchers will allow the partners to advance the use genomic tools and microbial culturing to optimize BacTech’s BACOX bioleaching process. Funding will also help the University develop a case around arsenic concentrates extracted from plants in South America.

If successful, these technological advancements will help BacTech design a specific bioleach plant to manage high arsenic concentrates produced through gold mining in Ponce Enriquez, Ecuador. This project will also allow the company to expand its global product offerings and marketing competitiveness.

“This is a technological approach with the potential for widespread application and the ability to solve a serious problem.”
– Dr. Tom Corr, President and CEO, Ontario Centres of Excellence

OCE Voucher for Innovation and Productivity Program

Ontario Centre of Excellence’s Voucher for Innovation and Productivity (VIP) program provides Ontario government funding for collaborative research and development projects. Small business vouchers support industry-academic partnerships that develop new innovative technologies, products/processes, and services. Projects must help the applicant company boost productivity and international competitiveness through export expansion.

The program will provide up to 50% of eligible project costs to a maximum of $75,000 in non-repayable Ontario business funding.

Interested businesses are encouraged to reach out to an OCE Business Development Manager to get started with this program.

How to Access Small Business Vouchers

Prior to applying, applicants must request an OCE Business Development Manager to endorse their project’s eligibility. Once the applicants have received endorsement, they will be encouraged to submit a full application. OCE vouchers are provided to the University applicant to offset a portion of the project’s costs that would be incurred by the industry partner. Application packages can be submitted at any time and will be assessed within 6-8 weeks.

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