Government Invests in Vineland Research and Innovation Centre


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada announced on April 22, 2014 the Canadian and Ontario governments’ continued support of Ontario’s horticultural industry through a $26.5 million investment in the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre.

Funding via Growing Forward 2 Federal-Provincial Territorial Initiative

bigstock-rows-of-vines-to-sunset-26625182Funding for the research centre will come through Growing Forward 2, a popular five year funding initiative, and will support the centre’s three areas of research, including: Genetic research, research into enhanced horticultural production systems, as well as research into consumer insights to support the development of new products including varieties of vegetables, apples and wine.

Growing Forward 2 Contribution Brings Greater Success & Profitability to Ontario Horticulture

“Investments through Canada and Ontario’s Growing Forward 2 will help us to bring greater success and profitability to horticulture…The investment establishes a foundation for world-class research and expanded innovation capacity here in Ontario.” –Jim Brandle, CEO, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre

History of the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre

The Vineland Research and Innovation Centre was established in 1906 and greatly contributed to the emergence of a competitive tender fruit industry in the region.  In 2006, a panel was established by the Ontario’s Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to develop a vision that would lead to the transformation of Vineland into a world-class research and innovation centre.

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