University of Guelph CBaSE Program: Call for Proposals April 22, 2013


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Several companies considering grants for hiring recent grads should also consider post-secondary collaborative programs, such as The CBaSE Program offered through The University of Guelph.  The Centre for Business and Social Entrepreneurship (CBaSE) provides students with an opportunity to experience transformational learning on a non-paid project basis. Through this valuable program students have the chance to apply their skills beyond the realm of the typical classroom, while businesses receive a 4-5 person team of eager students ready to take on an organizational project.

Types of Expertise Offered Through CBaSEyoung business people hiring

Employers that apply to participate in the 12-week program can choose among students from the following disciplines in order to take on a project:

  • Accounting
  • Management Economics and Finance
  • Marketing Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Food and Agricultural Business
  • Hotel and Food Administration
  • Tourism Management
  • Real Estate and Housing

CBaSE Success Stories:

From our experience at Ryan, many of the students involved in these projects have gone on to work for their CBaSE employer  participant through  Canadian government funding for hiring programs as either an intern or full-time employee upon graduation, often through a program like ICTC Career Focus.  Here are just a few of the success stories that have come from the CBaSE program:

  • A custom automated manufacturing and testing equipment solutions business tasked students from the CBaSE program with conducting market research into the commercialization of the firm’s newest software technology.
  • A dairy producer brought on students from CBasSE to develop and implement a marketing communications plan which provided recommendations on the architecture of a revised website, performance metrics, and social media tools.
  • A private country club had students from CBaSE develop a 5 year strategic plan with annual tactics intended to drive website traffic and increase membership numbers.

More Information on CBaSE Eligibility and the Application Process

CBaSE projects are one semester (12-weeks) in length and run in both the fall (September-December) and winter semesters (January-April) with an administrative fee of $1,200 to manage and carry out your project.
The Deadline for the next application is:  April 22, 2013.

For more information regarding this program or others like it, please choose from one of the following options:


Information on Other Canadian Government Funding Opportunities

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