» » » » Top 5 Small Business Grants and Loans for Exporters

Top 5 Small Business Grants and Loans for Exporters

For a small or medium-sized business (SME), expanding beyond national borders is a big step that can offer tremendous rewards.   Successful entrepreneurs and managers know that decisions concerning the choice of market, taking on an acceptable level of risk and financial preparedness can make or break an SME’s expansion plan. Fortunately, there are resources available to help businesses make better sense of their options, reduce the occurrence of risk, and build upon their global competitiveness.

Canadian Government Funding Experts & Export Support Services for SMEs

Government agencies like Export Development Canada (EDC) offers support services for small businesses that export or are planning to export their products and/or services, while Ryan offers resources and expertise in small business grants and business loans available for exporters. Recently, Ryan compiled a list of the Top 5 Small Business Grants and Loans for Exporters. This list of Canadian government funding options for SMEs include government grants for business expansion, research and development funding, small business grants for international marketing activities, and more.

Ontario Small Business Grants:  Export Market Access

Please Note: Export Market Access is now closed and not accepting further applications. For trade show grants and other forms of export support, learn more about the CanExport program.

Export Market Access Ontario small business grants is another excellent program for exporters that was established through the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC). EMA Ontario government funding covers costs of attending trade shows and exhibitions that are supported by a recognized third party. Eligible expenses include travel costs, market research, marketing materials and more up to 50% of costs for a maximum $50,000 in Ontario government grants for small business.

IRAP ARP Research and Development Funding Canada

Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) Accelerated Review Process (ARP) is a government funding for research and development program established by National Research Council of Canada. IRAP ARP research and development funding aims to assist companies with solving a technical or research oriented innovation challenge. Canadian government funding of up to $50,000 Canadian business grants can be used to cover as much as 80% of direct labor and 50% of sub-contractor costs.

SWODF Small Business Grants Ontario

The Southwestern Ontario Development Fund (SWODF) is an Ontario small business grants and loans program funded by FedDev Ontario. This funding for small business program offers up to $1.5 million in Ontario government grants for small business and up to $3.5 million in small business loans Ontario to cover as much as 15% of eligible costs. Business expansion projects eligible for this government funding for business program are those that aim to increase staff levels by 50% or more.

Learn More about Canadian Government Funding for Small Business Opportunities

Those interested in learning more about government grants for small business and business loans programs can follow Ryan on LinkedIn and sign up for our Canadian government funding weekly e-newsletter. If you are doing business in Ontario and are an owner or senior manager at a business of more than 15 people that has been incorporated for at least 3 years please consider attending a Free Canadian Government Funding Workshop.