» » » » TECTERRA GEO-Hire Canadian Business Grants for Hiring

TECTERRA GEO-Hire Canadian Business Grants for Hiring

Editor’s Note: Since this article’s posting, TECTERRA funding programs have been re-launched to provide enhanced support. For details of these new funding streams, visit Ryan’ TECTERRA program page.

The TECTERRA GEO-Hire program is a Canadian Government Funding grant available to companies looking to support specialized hires in the related field of Geomatics, which is the discipline of managing geographic information, or spatially referenced information.

This program is a non-repayable grant, which covers up to $50,000 or 50% of the position’s salary for a period of 12 months, and is designed to create economic value for small Canadian companies by facilitating the engagement & employment of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) with graduate degrees in a Geomatics area of study.  The TECTERRA Geo-Hire program also supports additional Canadian government funding in the event that the HQP is relocating from outside the province of employment.  In this case, the program will also support 50% of eligible moving expenses as defined by the CRA, up to a maximum of $10,000.

TECTERRA GEO-Hire Canadian Business Grants – Deadline Fast Approaching

Interested parties must act fast, as the TECTERRA Geo-Hire funding for small business program’s application process involves a competitive call for proposals, which is due August 22nd, 2013.

Canadian Government Grants for Geomatic Hiring Company Eligibility:

The HQP being hired must be a net-new hire (additional to the current and recent activity of the company), with the intention of having that position serve a long-term business need within the company. SMEs applying must demonstrate that the HQP will be a key technical resource to the company in the development and commercialization of a new geomatics technology. A key criterion of this program includes being able to define or estimate the 3-year revenue expected from work of HQP placement.

Qualified employers must be small Canadian-based geomatics companies, and will include any of the following:

  • Company is a for-profit geomatics technology business, with a minimum of one and maximum of 50 full-time employees.
  • Company’s annual sales revenues do not ordinarily exceed $5 million.
  • The Applicant must prove the HQP is critical for the success of the geomatics commercialization project, including how a position would support the short and long-term development of geomatics technology.

Candidate Eligibility for Geo Hiring Grant Funding for Business

Businesses can apply for up to maximum of two positions concurrently under TECTERRA’s GEO-Hire and/or GEO-Placement programs.

Qualified candidates will include the following:

  • Must have Masters or Ph.D. in the related field of geomatics (i.e. Geomatics Engineering, Geography, GIS, Remote Sensing, etc.).
  • The HQP must not be a current employee of the company.
  • Must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada.

To get started on your TECTERRA GEO-Hire Small Business Grant for hiring or for more information on additional hiring grant funding for small business, contact a Canadian Government Funding expert today. Also, be sure to Subscribe to our Weekly Funding E-Newsletter and follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on the wide gamut of government funding for business.