How to Qualify for the Technology Demonstration Program


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The Technology Demonstration Program (TDP) offers non-repayable business funding contributions to support large-scale technology projects in the Aerospace and Defence (A&D) industry. The TDP will support one to three applications each year from an applicant, and businesses can apply for up to 50% coverage for projects with an annual max of $54M in total allocated funding from the program.

Business Eligibility for the TDP Research Grants

To be eligible for this Canadian government funding program, companies must be either an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or a tier 1 company supplying directly to an OEM. These companies must be actively engaged in research and development (R&D) and have the internal capacity to fund, lead, and manage large-scale A&D projects.

The TDP requires that applicants collaborate with different firms, post-secondary education institutions, and/or research institutions. Applicants must include at least one small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) to promote supply chain development and at least one accredited Canadian post-secondary education institution to support knowledge transfer.

What Types of Projects are Eligible for Government Grant Funding?

Applicants of the Technology Demonstration Program can apply for Canadian government funding for a large-scale technology demonstration project to develop a technology to the completion of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6. The goal of the demonstration program is not commercialization, but to help develop a technology up to a prototype demonstration, testing, or environmental simulations.

What Costs are Eligible for Funding?

Applicants can apply for up to 50% coverage of their project. The majority of the small business funding through TDP will be allocated to covering direct labour costs for the R&D of the project, but the funding will also cover:

  • Materials;
  • Project-specific equipment;
  • Overhead; and
  • Project-related infrastructure and facilities may be eligible.

Please also refer to our Technology Development Program Overview Blog for a detailed description of the program and its objectives.

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