Tap Into College Resources and Talent – College and Community Innovation Program


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The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada has developed a foundation for helping colleges increase their capacity to work with local businesses through the College and Community Innovation (CCI) Program. Through the CCI, Canadian companies can rely on the wealth of talent and resources in local colleges to carry out applied research projects. This provides local businesses with access to extensive support in exchange for valuable experience for students and professors.

How It Works

Canadian companies in either the environmental sciences, natural resources and energy, health sciences, or IT sector will bring forward an applied research project to a local college, with a focus on the same sector, in order to collaborate and find a solution. Companies must then submit their partnership request to the college’s president or institutional representative, who will write up a letter of intent if they are interested in working with the company. Company contributions depend on the focus and size of the project, ranging from $0 to matching NSERC’s project contribution.

Find Out More

Ryan can help companies find the optimal educational institutes to work with in order to maximize the success of their application process and project outcome. To learn more about CCI and other partnership programs such as NSERC Engage, Conii, or MITACS Accelerate, please contact us.

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