Summer Jobs Services Wage Subsidy for Hiring Students for Summer Internships


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This program is now closed and no longer accepting applications. Please feel free to browse other Hiring and Training funding programs.

Summer Jobs Services (SJS) is funded by the Province of Ontario, the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.  Not to be confused with the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program, Summer Jobs Services offers eligible employers a wage subsidy to employ student interns from April 1, 2014 to September, 2014.

Summer Jobs Services Ontario Government Grants for Hiring Interns –Funding Details

The Summer Jobs Services program offers up to $2 per hour wage subsidy for a term of up to 16 weeks at 40 hours per week.

Ontario Business Grants for Hiring Interns through Summer Jobs Services –Employer Eligibility

The Summer Jobs Services program is open to for profit businesses, farms, not-for-profit organizations, and other community organizations. In order to qualify for this government grants Ontario program your business must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Must be a registered business with Canada Revenue Agency,
  • Must have Workplace Safety and Insurance Board coverage, or equivalent insurance,
  • Must have Third Party Liability Insurance,
  • Not currently involved in Lay-offs,
  • Did not displace existing staff with youth hired through this program,
  • Not be receiving government funds from any other programs for the same student,
  • Not related to the person they are hiring (daughter, son, spouse, brother, sister, etc.).

Note: All positions are subject to approval and available funding.

Summer Jobs Services Business Grants Ontario –Employee Eligibility

Prospective student employees must meet the following eligibility criteria in order to qualify for the Summer Jobs Services (SJS) program:

  • Must be between the ages 15-30,
  • Students must have proof that they intend to return to school in the fall,
  • Interns must be a Canadian citizen and have a valid social insurance number.

Summer Jobs Services Government Grants Ontario –Get Started

Each Employment Services Centre has their own pool of funding, available on a first-come first-serve basis. As soon as you have found a suitable candidate, please go to your local service provider to determine if they still have funding to support your hire. Find the service provider nearest you in order to get started

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