The Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Council (AAC) has announced a Call for Proposals for the next round of Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP) funding. For those interested in this program, the CAAP is designed for small businesses who have a new technology that will have an impact on the agricultural industry. Eligible projects will seize opportunities in the agricultural market, respond to new and emerging issues, and/or pathfind and pilot solutions to ongoing problems within the industry. If you are reading this article you are one of three categories:
1. May Have a Project, But Unsure if it is Eligible for Canadian Government Funding
If you have an agricultural technology or concept that needs developing, but you are unsure of its suitability for the CAAP, your first step should be to contact Ryan or a AAC staff member to determine whether it is a fit for the CAAP. Either party will give you an understanding of what an ideal project would incorporate and aim to address. If your project is deemed suitable, you can then move on to the CAAP Application with a project end date of October 31, 2013 or before.
2. Your New Technology is Not Intended for the Agricultural Industry
The Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program is only available to players in the agricultural industry. Fortunately, there are plenty of other Research & Development Canadian Government Grants & Loans available to fund your Canadian business.
Going Global Innovation is a $75K grant towards international partnership for new product development, MITACS Accelerate and NSERC Engage both enable R&D partnerships with post-secondary institutions, SDTC Tech Fund offers Canadian government funding towards the development of new clean technology, and the Health Technology Exchange (HTX) provides five different programs for which healthcare companies can develop and commercialize new technology. The list goes on, so be sure to browse our full list of Canadian Government Funding Programs.
3. Your New Project is Eligible for CAAP Funding
You have confirmed that your project is eligible for the CAAP and are ready to begin the application process. We strongly recommend that you contact Ryan, the Government Funding Experts, to guide you through the application process to ensure you are including all eligible expenses and each section is completed properly. However, if you would like to carry out the application process on your own, we encourage you to read the Call for Proposals Document and complete your project on or before October 31, 2013. Download the CAAP Application Form and Project Work Plan & Budget Document when you are ready.