Small Business Grants: Science and Technology Internship Program


Reading Time: 2 minutes

small business grants for tech internshipThe Science and Technology Internship Program (STIP) offers recent graduates from science and engineering programs the opportunity to gain relevant work experience while benefiting employers through this government grants for small business hiring program.

Companies eligible for this small business grant:

Any non-government organization including small and medium-sized businesses can apply for one of these small business funding grants.  In order to apply, the applicant company must become a partner of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) when it hires an intern to work on research and development projects that are eligible within NRcan’s mandate.  Once approved for the Canadian government funding, companies will receive a contribution payment that will go toward funding the intern’s salary.

How much government funding for business will be allotted for each eligible intern?

The Science and Technology Internship Program will contribute $13,200 over a maximum period of 52 weeks.

What is the purpose of this research and development funding?

The goals that this government funding for research and development hope to accomplish are:

  • Allow graduate the opportunity to gain professional skills and practical work experience that will help them to transition from school to the labour market.
  • To help organizations within the natural resources sector to increase their pool of highly qualified youth and to aid continual innovation through research and development
  • To benefit the country as a whole through the developments coming from a experienced and capable employees working within the natural sciences sector

What is the timeline for application to this government grants for small business program?

The deadline for these government small business grants for 2013-2014 available through this program is March 8th, 2013, depending on funding availability.  Prospective applicants for this program are urged to apply as soon as possible as projects will be funded on a first come, first served basis.

Receive Support for Small Business Funding Grants for Hiring

For more information regarding this program as well as other Hiring programs for small businesses and business grants in Ontario please Contact a Canadian Government Funding Expert.  Alternatively, you can also register with us for a free Canadian Government Funding Workshop.  And please follow us on Facebook by “liking” our company page!


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