Saskatchewan Lean Improvements in Manufacturing (SLIM) Program
Saskatchewan agriculture companies are receiving government funding support to make Lean improvements to their equipment through the Saskatchewan Lean Improvements in Manufacturing (SLIM) Program. The SLIM program is being administered as a Saskatchewan provincial focus of the federal Canadian Agricultural Program (CAP), a five-year, $3 billion, government initiative to improve the agriculture industry.
“The SLIM program provides funding assistance to agri-businesses for adoption of process automation, state of the art technology, and process improvements that stimulate significant improvements in productivity and efficiency.”
– Canadian Agricultural Program
The Saskatchewan Lean Improvements in Manufacturing (SLIM) Program is broken into two different categories of government funding support which may be applied for individually or consecutively (Efficiency Analysis followed by an Infrastructure Project).
Funding Amount
Funding from the SLIM program is provided through two project types, an Efficiency Analysis, and Infrastructure Projects. All applicants may apply for Efficiency Analysis support funding but all Infrastructure Project applicants must have first completed an Efficiency Analysis. Funding amounts vary according to the applicant’s needs and the type of project:
- Efficiency Analysis funding may allot up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum program payment of $20,000 per applicant; and
- Infrastructure Projects may receive up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum program payment of $500,000 non-repayable funding to agri-businesses for lean improvement projects, including the allotted Efficiency Analysis funding.
If the SLIM program is not the right fit for your agri-business projects, there are more opportunities available. Visit our government funding for agriculture page for more information today.
Eligible Applicants
Applicant eligibility criteria for both SLIM funding project types are the same. To be eligible for the SLIM program, applicants must meet these requirements:
- Efficiency Analysis must be completed by an independent third party consultant (this step must be completed prior to Infrastructure Project funding);
- Be involved in value-added processing of Saskatchewan agricultural products;
- A commercial enterprise located in Saskatchewan;
- Incorporated in Saskatchewan or federally and filing income tax in Saskatchewan; and
- An existing facility that has been in operation for a minimum of two years.
The following facilities are not eligible for funding:
- Facilities where the retail environment is larger than the processing area;
- Publicly funded facilities; and
- Processors of seafood or fish.
To learn more about eligibility requirements please refer to the Saskatchewan Lean Improvements in Manufacturing (SLIM) program page.
Efficiency Analysis
To apply for Saskatchewan Lean Improvements in Manufacturing (SLIM) Infrastructure Projects, applicants must have a review of their facility’s current production methods to identify where efficiencies may be gained, or new technologies adopted to increase productivity. The analysis must be conducted according to the following:
- Efficiency Analysis must be pre-approved by the Ministry and completed prior to submission of an Infrastructure Project application.
- The Efficiency Analysis must be completed by a qualified independent third party.
- Approval of an Efficiency Analysis does not imply prior approval of your Infrastructure Project
To complete the efficiency analysis, applicants must complete parts one and two of the SLIM Application Form
Infrastructure Projects
Infrastructure Projects for Saskatchewan Lean Improvements in Manufacturing (SLIM) Program may be eligible if they meet the following criteria:
- Pre-approval of Efficiency Analysis is required for Infrastructure Projects;
- Only facility modifications, equipment, and training identified in the Efficiency Analysis will be considered for the infrastructure project funding;
- Modifications and equipment will significantly improve productivity and efficiency in the facility, and must represent progress in development compared to current outputs; and
- Total eligible project expenditures must be a minimum of $200,000.
Learn more about program criteria by reviewing the Saskatchewan Lean Improvements in Manufacturing (SLIM) program page.
Program Timeline/Deadline
As of the time this blog was published, this program is currently open. The deadline for pre-approval applications for Efficiency Analysis projects is January 31, 2022; after approval a claim form will be provided. The deadline for pre-approval applications for Infrastructure Projects is May 15, 2022.
Exploring Government Funding Opportunities
There are many programs available for businesses in the agriculture industry if the SLIM Program is not the right fit. To read about other government funding opportunities, review the comprehensive funding directory for more options. To review programs specific to agriculture, check out the funding for agriculture page.
We also suggest applicants use this free product expansion guide to learn the ins and outs of product expansion. Also, go to our government funding news page for daily updates, or contact a Ryan representative.

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