R&D Project Hiring Grants: Funding for Internships


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bigstock-Successful-business-group-look-33921686The Ontario Centres of Excellence is running the R&D Project Hiring Grants program on behalf of the Ontario provincial government and a $10-million investment through their Youth Jobs Strategy. The program aims to help connect recent graduates with valuable on-the-job experience while building the research and development capacity of Ontario companies.

Two Components of the R&D Project Hiring Grants Program

The R&D Project Hiring Grants program has two components:

  • R&D Project Hiring Grants: Internship Program
  • R&D Project Hiring Grants: Fellowship Program

Internship Funding Program for Students and Recent Graduates: R&D Project Hiring Grants

Ontario’s R&D Project Hiring Grants: Internship Program offers undergraduate, PhD students, and recent graduates (up to three years) the opportunity to contribute to industry-driven projects. As a part of the program interns are required to spend a portion of their time on-site or in the field with an industry partner.

R&D Project Hiring Grants: Internship Program Funding Details

Each four-month internship is valued at $20,000 and includes the following contributions:

  • $10,000 from Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)
  • $5,000 industry partner cash contribution
  • $5,000 industry partner in-kind contribution

Note: Internship units are scalable and may be held consecutively.

Fellowship Funding Program for Recent Grads and Students: R&D Project Hiring Grants

The second program offered under the R&D Project Hiring Grants umbrella is the Fellowship Program, which supports Ontario-based Postdoctoral Fellows (PDFs). Fellowships may be university or company based and are open to all disciplines and areas of specialization. This program also requires fellows to spend a portion of their time on-site or in the field with the industry partner.

R&D Project Hiring Grants: Fellowship Program Funding Details

The R&D Project Hiring Grants Fellowship Program is a twelve month placement that is valued at $85,000 based on the following contributions:

  • $32,500 from OCE in cash and $2,500 in value for professional development annually
  • $25,000 industry partner cash contribution
  • $25,000 industry in-kind contribution

This program allows fellows to hold a fellow may hold a maximum of two consecutive fellowships over a 24-month period.

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