Canada Organic Trade Association’s (COTAs) Organic Export Support Fund
Canada has seen significant decreases in the export of goods from 2020 to 2021 as the country and the global market address the significant economic impacts caused by COVID-19. Although these challenges have proved difficult to overcome, many Canadian organizations are finding new ways to support Canada’s exporting market.
“Between September 2020 and September 2021, the exports of Canada have decreased by C$-26.7B (-62.9%) from C$42.5B to C$15.8B”
– Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC)
The Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA) has launched a new fund to stimulate export of Canadian-made organic products. This surge of support comes via a program called the Organic Export Support Fund (OESF) which offers a grant to all Canadian exporters of organic products. The OESF aims to help organic exporters by covering a portion of expenses associated with shipping sample products to foreign buyers that are interested in opening a supply chain and wish to sample the products.
“There is currently a lot of funding available, so we encourage you to contact COTA as soon as possible as all applications must be completed by March 31, 2022.”
Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA) Organic Export Support Fund
Amount of Funding
For eligible applicants, the Organic Export Support Fund may provide a reimbursement of up to 50% of total shipping expenses for organic products. Please note that applicants must submit 100% of shipping costs for consideration, as well as an outline of the destination that the businesses is shipping to.
Applicant Eligibility
To be eligible for this program, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Applicants must be physically located in Canada,
- Applicants must be a Canadian organization, and
- Businesses must be in the organic product industry.
Please note that to be eligible for the OESF, applicants must provide a paid invoice for shipping to buyers outside of Canada. To learn more about COTAs Organic Export Support Fund, visit the Canada Organic Trade Association program page for more information.
Eligible Activities
In order for applicants to be eligible for claiming OESF funds, they should meet all of the following criteria:
- Applicants must be exporting their products to foreign markets,
- All products being exported must be organic products, and
- Products should be samples intended to be approved by potential foreign buyers for further supply chain commitments.
If the Canada Organic Trade Association’s (COTA’s) Organic Export Support Fund is not a good fit for your business’s exporting operations, there may be more government funding opportunities available. For more information, visit our Business Expansion Funding Directory which outlines the top Canadian grants, loans, and other incentives for business expansion efforts.
Program Timelines
The Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA) Organic Export Support Fund may support businesses that have shipped their organic products between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022. COTA has announced a final deadline for application submissions as March 31, 2022.
More Government Funding Opportunities for Exporters
Government funding is a powerful tool for exporting companies that are looking to leverage top programs for growth. Although the OESF is a strong example of the types of programs Canadian exporters may capitalize on, there are many more programs available. Check out our Business Expansion Funding Directory to filter top exporting programs by region for a user-friendly search experience.
If your business is interested in learning more about the world of exporting, try downloading this free Canadian Guide to Export Expansion which covers top strategies, common obstacles, and funding available for support. We also recommend businesses speak with a government funding professional to start their export funding journey on the right foot.

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