Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen) is working with the Government of Canada to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The not-for-profit organization recently announced that it will invest $50 million in Supercluster funding to support companies as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by building a Canadian supply of essential products, equipment, and therapeutics.
Businesses who have eligible projects may receive funding for up to 50-100% of eligible costs, depending on the impact timeline.
NGen will prioritize funding for projects that can have an immediate impact between April 1 and June 30, 2020. Projects that will have an impact in the medium term – beyond the June 30 timeframe – may also be considered for funding. Projects are not expected to exceed funding of more than $5M.
Since the the launch of the program, NGen has received over 850 expressions of interest from across Canada, and more than 330 have been marked as potential contributions to Canada’s pandemic response. As of April 23, 2020, NGen has approved 11 COVID-19 projects valued at $32M.
Funding Overview: NGen COVID-19 Response
Projects will be selected for funding according to critical needs acknowledged by the Government of Canada and the ability of manufacturers to produce products that are safe for both healthcare workers and patients.
Successful applicants may be eligible for up to 100% of project costs covered if they can deliver an immediate impact between April 1 and June 30, 2020. Up to 50% may be covered for projects that will result in impacts after June 30, 2020.
The program has three main goals. The distribution of funding is to support:
- Manufacturers who currently produce essential equipment and products to increase product output;
- Companies looking to develop and manufacture new therapeutic, equipment, and products essential for COVID-19 response; and
- Manufacturers transitioning from production of existing products to products essential for COVID-19 response.
Many other federal and provincial responses are taking place to support Canadian businesses through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Applicant Eligibility
To be eligible for NGen Supercluster funding for COVID-19 support projects, applicants must be:
- Incorporated in Canada;
- A member of the Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster (membership is free); and
- It is expected that collaboration will be required to achieve expected project goals, however, in exceptional circumstances NGen may fund individual company initiatives.
Basic Project Requirements
Projects selected for funding will need to align with priorities defined by the Government of Canada. Companies applying for NGen Manufacturing funding should commit to at least one of the following:
- Companies should be willing to license and/or share new IP for rapid scaleup of production with the Government of Canada and other companies that can manufacture the new technology; and/or
- Canadian government procurement has first right of refusal on all products produced as a result of this funding program. Companies must prioritize sales to Canadian hospitals and meet those needs before sales outside of Canada can commence.
Current Needs Across Canada in Relation to COVID-19
Current needs include:
- Antiviral and symptom management treatments (once available);
- Virus screening tests;
- Hospital equipment (e.g. ventilators, IV equipment, hospital beds and ICU equipment, equipment for remote facilities);
- Vaccines;
- Cleaning and sterilization chemicals and equipment; and
- Personal protective equipment, including gloves, gowns, and protective masks.
If you are interested in this program and believe you have an eligible project, please contact Ryan as soon as possible and we can assist you in confirming eligibility for this program.
Post Updated: April 27, 2020.