Manitoba Agri-Businesses to Receive Funding Support From SCAP
The Manitoba agriculture business is receiving a significant boost in funding thanks to four new funding programs developed in conjunction with the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP).
The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP) is being established to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resilience of the agriculture, agri-food, and agri-based product industries in Canada. This partnership will last until 2028.
“I would like to highlight the important collaborative work that allowed us to mark the official launch of the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (2023-2028). The initiatives that will be rolled out over the next five years will allow the sector to continue to be a world leader in sustainable agricultural, while also allowing farmers to stay productive and competitive so that they can ensure our food security and sustain their livelihood.”
The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
This article will review each program’s objectives, as well as cover the eligibility criteria and funding offered.
Manitoba – SCAP – Capital Infrastructure and Investments program (CII)
SCAP Capital Infrastructure and Investments Program (CII) strives to enhance efficiency, productivity, and environmental sustainability by providing capital investments that support modernization and capacity building activities.
Funding Amount
Applicants may be eligible for funding ranging from $50,000 up to $2.5M depending on project size and stream.
Eligible Applicants
Applicants can be from in or outside Manitoba as long as the activities occur in Manitoba or have a positive impact on the province and are within the eligible activity categories.
Eligible Activities
Activities must fall under one of the three available program streams:
- Capital assets – processing equipment;
- Capital assets – enterprise resource planning software Capacity building for quality control; or
- Co-packing capacity building.
To read a full description of each of the funding streams, please visit the Capital Infrastructure and Investments Program (CII) page.
Deadline to Apply
All Funding Streams have an application deadline of May 17, 2023.
Manitoba – SCAP – Marketing Development Program
A significant element of the SCAP Market Development Program is the provision of financial assistance to businesses ito help them increase export capacity and improve market access both domestically and internationally.
Funding Amount
There is an opportunity to access up to 50% of the maximum amount of $30,000 per applicant.
Eligible Applicants
It is important to note that all activities must fall under a stream’s project themes to be eligible for funding, but applicants can be based inside or outside Manitoba, as long as they take place in Manitoba or have a positive impact on the province.
Eligible Activities
Projects must fall under one of the four funding streams:
- Market Information and Research;
- Market Development, Planning and Training;
- Product Commercialization; and
- Domestic and International Development Activities.
To read a full description of each of the funding streams, please visit the Market Development Program page.
Deadline to Apply
Projects must be completed within a maximum of 12 months. The deadline for applications is May 18, 2023.
Manitoba – SCAP – Sustainable Agriculture Manitoba Program (SAM)
The Sustainable Agriculture Manitoba (SAM) program provides funding to encourage the adoption of beneficial management practices (BMPs) that will increase the sector’s economic and environmental sustainability. A variety of BMPs are funded under the program, which has three funding streams.
Funding Amount
Successful applicants may access 30-75% of the costs to a total funding amount of $10,000 – $855,000 depending on the stream they choose.
Eligible Applicants
The applicant must be a primary producer, commercial manure applicator, or custom pesticide operator who can demonstrate that they are following BMPs.
Eligible Activities
Management of a crop land, manure and livestock management, or water management are all examples of crop land management. Projects must fall under one of the three funding streams:
- Crop Land Management stream;
- Manure and Livestock Management stream; or
- Water Management stream.
To read a full description of each of the funding streams, please visit the Sustainable Agriculture Manitoba (SAM) program page.
Deadline to Apply
All invoices must be dated on or after April 1, 2023. Projects must be completed by March 31, 2024. All Funding Streams have an application deadline of June 13, 2023.
Manitoba – SCAP – Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program
The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP) Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (RALP) contributes to the growth and development of Alberta’s value-added agriculture industry. Aside from supporting projects that are innovative, the program also supports projects that are likely to have a substantial economic impact on the sector and the growth of companies.
Funding Amount
There is a maximum of $15,000 per project to cover up to 75% of total eligible expenses.
Eligible Applicants
Applicants may qualify for this program if they are an association of Manitoba community pastures, a group of Indigenous primary producers or a group of primary producers outside the boundaries of a watershed district.
Eligible Activities
Eligible activities vary according to the two streams available:
- Grasslands and Grazing Management BMP stream; and
- Agroforestry BMP stream
To read a full description of each of the funding streams, please visit the Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (RALP) page.
Deadline to Apply
The deadline to apply for both streams is June 12, 2023 .
Learn More About Funding for Agri Businesses
Discover grants, loans, and tax credits available to businesses in agriculture by browsing our Canadian Agribusiness Funding Programs Directory. Improve your agribusiness today with government funding programs like SCAP.
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