New ISC Challenges Announced to Combat Climate Change and Defense Threats in Canada
Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) provides testing resources and potential procurement contracts for precommercial research and development programs which address major problems facing Canada. As part of its Challenge Stream, the ISC provides Canadian SMEs with opportunities to apply innovative solutions to challenges identified by the government. Numerous successful challenges via the ISC Challenge Stream have generated internationally adopted products and services and have also improved government operations.
Details about this series of ISC challenges and how interested parties can begin the application process are listed below.
New Challenge: Arctic and the North
The Arctic and the North challenge is designed to procure and test prototypes that may become innovative commercial products or systems. The unique problems for this challenge that need to be addressed are related to issues in Canada’s North such as climate change, emergency assistance, and resource management concerns. The specific problems applicants may address are as follows:
- Climate Resilient Infrastructure;
- Communications, Digital Networks, and Connectivity;
- Emergency Response;
- Transportation; and
- Energy and Waste Management.
Funding Amount
Funding for this challenge is provided in two components:
- Standard Component: Successful applicants may receive up to a maximum of $550,000.
- Military Component: Successful applicants may receive up to a maximum of $1.15 million.
Eligible Applicants
Successful applicants may be selected if they are a small business which fits the following requirements:
- Are a for-profit person or entity, with 499 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees;
- Own the intellectual property (IP);
- Have an innovation that is not already on the market;
- Are located in Canada;
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s FTE employees have Canada as their ordinary place of work;
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s annual wages, salaries, and fees must be paid to employees and contractors who spend the majority of their time working in Canada; and
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s senior executives (Vice President and above) have Canada as their principal residence.
To learn about the essential outcomes and evaluation criteria of this challenge, please review the official program page.
Program Timelines
This challenge is currently open for accepting applications until April 22, 2022.
New Challenge: Defence
The Defense challenge is designed to procure and test prototypes that may become innovative commercial products or systems. As technology advances and the world becomes increasingly more connected and globalized, threats to Canada continue to evolve. This challenge is focussed on addressing challenges and problems that Canada’s defence systems are currently facing. The specific problems applicants may address are as follows:
- Digital Enablers and Cybersecurity;
- UAS and Drone-related infrastructure;
- Enhanced Warfighting;
- Training and in-Service support;
- Enhanced Soldier systems; and
- Smart Sustain and Fleet Optimization.
Funding Amount
Funding for this challenge is provided in two components:
- Standard Component: Successful applicants may receive up to a maximum of $550,000.
- Military Component: Successful applicants may receive up to a maximum of $1.15 million.
Eligible Applicants
Successful applicants may be selected if they are a small business which fits the following requirements:
- Are a for-profit person or entity, with 499 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees;
- Own the intellectual property (IP);
- Have an innovation not already on the market;
- Are located in Canada;
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s FTE employees have Canada as their ordinary place of work;
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s annual wages, salaries, and fees must be paid to employees and contractors who spend the majority of their time working in Canada; and
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s senior executives (Vice President and above) have Canada as their principal residence.
To learn about the essential outcomes and evaluation criteria of this challenge, please review the official program page.
Program Timelines
This challenge is currently open for accepting applications until April 22, 2022.
New Challenge: Oceans
The Oceans challenge is looking for innovative solutions to address current ocean-related issues in Canada today. As Canada has the longest coastline in the world, there are many challenges associated with changing weather patterns, commercial shipping navigation, and pollution that must be addressed if Canada is to maintain a healthy balance with its waters. The specific problems applicants may address are as follows:
- Coastal Resilience;
- Navigation and Ocean Communications;
- Autonomous Surface and Subsurface Vehicles, and Associated Infrastructure.
Funding Amount
Funding for this challenge is provided in two components:
- Standard Component: Successful applicants may receive up to a maximum of $550,000.
- Military Component: Successful applicants may receive up to a maximum of $1.15 million.
Eligible Applicants
Successful applicants may be selected if they are a small business which fits the following requirements:
- Are a for-profit person or entity, with 499 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees;
- Own the intellectual property (IP);
- Have an innovation not already on the market;
- Are located in Canada;
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s FTE employees have Canada as their ordinary place of work;
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s annual wages, salaries, and fees must be paid to employees and contractors who spend the majority of their time working in Canada; and
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s senior executives (Vice President and above) have Canada as their principal residence.
To learn about the essential outcomes and evaluation criteria of this challenge, please review the official program page.
Program Timelines
This challenge is currently open for accepting applications until April 22, 2022.
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