IRAP Funding Success: Rianta Solutions Receives up to $440,000


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Rianta Solutions is a Kanata, Ontario-based designer, developer, and manufacturer of datacom and telecom equipment solutions. Since the company’s creation in 2012, Rianta Solutions’ team of engineers have been developing customized high-speed, low energy consumption data centre technologies. With clients spanning across Canada and around the world, Rianta Solutions has embraced the definition of innovation and continuously seeks to improve their technologies for sustained competitive advantages.

Rianta Solutions was recently announced as a recipient of up to $439,900 in Canadian government funding through the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP). The program, which supports innovative internal R&D activities, enables companies such as Rianta to become more inventive and competitive in a global market.

Canadian small and mid-sized businesses can also access IRAP funding for innovations. Continue reading about Rianta’s company and project to consider if your business’ project would qualify for IRAP grants.

Rianta Solutions’ Commitment to Efficient Internet Communications

Like many other technology development companies, Rianta Solutions started as a small firm led with exceptional technical expertise, but limited cash flow. In 2012, the business began as a six-person team operating out of the basement of one of the company’s co-founders.

The team’s technical skill, in addition to market demand for their innovative solutions, led to steady growth within their organization and they were soon able to develop next-generation data centre networks. The team quickly defined their technology, then designed, verified, and produced their solutions for some of the world’s largest semiconductor vendors.

“NRC-IRAP’s support is enabling us to accelerate our hiring initiatives and the market delivery of our intellectual property.”
– Richard Deboer, CEO and Co-Founder of Rianta Solutions

In support of the company’s growth, Rianta was provided nearly $440,000 in Canadian government funding through IRAP. This small business funding contribution will enable the team to continue its growth in support of new domestic and international markets. In fact, their technologies are in such high demand that the company is adding an average of five employees per month and is committed to doubling the size of their team by the end of 2016. This funding will enable the company to keep up with growing demand and continue developing more innovative technologies.

About the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)

The Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) assists Canadian companies with 500 or fewer employees to develop or implement innovative technologies. The program has two streams of funding including:

“We are committed to helping businesses become more productive, innovative, and export-oriented.”
– Bardish Chagger, Minister of Small Business and Tourism

IRAP grants can be used to offset the labour costs associated with product development projects. For growing businesses, such as Rianta Solutions, using IRAP funding assists in the upscaling of teams to become more innovative and increase production. In most cases, this will aid the business to develop new technologies and clients, leading to sustained long-term growth.

Depending on the IRAP stream most applicable to a business and their research and development project, companies may access 50-85% of labour costs to a defined maximum. Rianta Solutions used the IRAP Mid-Sized Projects stream and was able to receive $439,900 of a maximum allowable $500,000 contribution.

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