ICTC Career Focus Program


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bigstock-Thinking-business-woman-smilin-15961070This grant funding for business subsidizes wages for graduates relating to IT work. The types of tasks the graduate would perform may include search engine optimization (SEO), software development, database creation and maintenance, building content and link building strategies.

ICTC Career Focus: Changes to this Ontario Government Funding Program

ICTC Career Focus has undergone a couple of slight changes with this new round of funding. Where the wage subsidy provides small business funding grants for 50% of the eligible participant’s salary, up to a maximum of $12,750. Companies must be planning to hire an unemployed, post-secondary graduate for a full-time IT position over a four to eight month period with a minimum of 30 hours per week. Eligible applicants must:

  • Chinese Canadian Businessman

    Provide full-time work for the participant

  • Participating candidate must be provided employment within Canada
  • Company must possess financial capacity to fulfill work experience period

  • Demonstrate potential for permanent position
  • Provide proof of wages paid
  • Provide “Learning Plan” for participant

Potential participants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be between 15-30 years of age
  • Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or person who has been granted refugee status in Canada
  • Post-secondary graduate
  • Be legally entitled to work in Canada
  • Has not previously worked for the company applying for the Career Focus Program
  • Unemployed or underemployed at the time of application

Career Focus Program: Small Business Government Grants Success

During the program’s last funding cycle, ICTC helped place 255 unemployed or under-employed young graduates in information and communications technology roles within companies across Canada. Of these employed participants, approximately 80% were offered a permanent position with the company after the subsidy ended. The objectives of the Career Focus program are to facilitate workforce development targeted at youths, influence the creation of professionals with technical competences and mitigate the skills shortage currently being experienced by ICT employers.

Get-StartedProgram-Update    Eligibility-Criteria

You can read our blog on ICTC Competency Models and “Form B” (includes video from ICTC), it is titled:  ICTC Career Focus:  Strengthening Canada’s Workforce

You can also View eHealth Occupations Eligible for funding through ICTC.

Or View Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Occupations  Eligible for funding through ICTC.

Apply for Business Funding Grants Now

For more information and support on Canadian business funding grants, or if you are interested in applying for the ICTC Career Focus Program, please contact Ryan, the Canadian government funding experts. Additionally, if you would like to receive current updates on ICTC’s Career Focus and other Canadian government grants for small business, sign up for our Weekly Canadian Government Funding E-newsletter or follow us on Twitter.

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