» » » » IESO Conservation Fund – Canadian Business Grants for Innovation and Conservation

IESO Conservation Fund – Canadian Business Grants for Innovation and Conservation

The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) provides consultation and funding for small business research and conservation projects that look to effectively reduce and manage demand for electricity.The IESO Conservation Fund is part of the organization’s overall commitment to helping Ontario reach its long-term targets for reductions in peak electricity and industrial energy demands.

Canadian Funding for Small Business Conservation Projects

The Conservation Fund provides a significant amount of support and business funding grants for business innovation and conservation projects. Projects that are currently receiving research and development funding include:

  • Conservation Program: Testing and application of a new conservation program or the revision of an existing program. Max funding of $500K or 75% of the eligible expenses.
  • Energy Management Tool: Development and assessment of a new energy management tool or certification approach. Max funding of $500K or 75% of the eligible expenses.
  • Training Program: Pilot and testing of a new targeted training program designed to improve knowledge transfer and conservation skills development in the workplace. Max funding of $250K or 75% of the eligible expenses.
  • Community of Practice: Development and design of industry-wide networks to share and facilitate sustainable best practices. Max funding of $250K or 75% of the eligible expenses.
  • Strategic Research: Funding opportunity for research and feasibility studies regarding the implementation of energy conservation pilot projects. Max funding of $100K or 100% of the eligible expenses.
  • Emerging Technology Demonstration: Funding applicable to latter-stage product development activities including demonstration, measurement, and verification. Max funding of $100K or 100% of the eligible expenses.
  • Emerging Technology Development: Business funding grants for emerging technologies or processes that require testing, validation, and technical improvements to advance projects to pre-commercialization stages. Max funding of $250K or 75% of the eligible expenses.
  • Strategic Opportunities and Pilot Projects: Funding for large-scale, strategic pilot projects that have a strong potential to significantly influence conservation programs and processes. Max funding of $1M or 50% of the eligible expenses.

Eligibility Small Business Energy Conservation Project Themes

Applications for projects related to distribution, transmission, and electricity generation technologies (e.g. solar photovoltaic, wind, waterpower, and bioenergy) are not eligible to receive funding support through the Conservation Fund. Eligible projects should include some of the following criteria:

  • Significant Marketplace Potential
  • Unique concept
  • Cost-effective with high energy-savings potential
  • Scalable for commercial, residential, or industrial applications
  • Addresses concepts of load reduction or load displacement
  • Educates and improves consumer behaviour

Eligible Project Costs for Canadian Business Funding Grants

Projects undertaken through the IESO Conservation Fund may receive compensation for the following project activities and expenditures:

  • Project-specific equipment, raw materials, product and services
  • Salaries and benefits for project designated incremental labour (max $800/day)
  • Permits and licensing fees
  • Marketing and promotional activities
  • Product verification and data collection
  • Diagnostic testing equipment and software.

Locate Government Funding for Small Business in Ontario

Small Businesses interested in learning more about the Ontario Government Funding opportunities to suit their needs can begin by registering for one of our 60 Minute Canadian Government Funding Workshops or by contacting a Ryan, Canadian small Business Funding Expert. Our readers can also stay connected with the latest in Canadian Government grants for small business by following our social media channels, including LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+ or subscribing to our Weekly Canadian Government Funding Newsletter.