GreenON Industries: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Incentives


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Clean technologies are transforming industries across Canada, but perhaps nowhere as much as Ontario. Electricity generation is becoming more driven by renewables, and more manufacturers are evolving their processes to use less energy. This is leading to a dramatic reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) generation and more sustainable, environmentally conscious industries. Much of this transformation has been led by the government who’s prioritized investments into clean technologies.

One of Ontario’s latest incentives to spur investment into clean technology (cleantech) is the GreenON Industries program. GreenON Industries is a clean manufacturing grant awarded to industrial GHG emitters reducing their environmental footprint through large-scale technology deployment projects. This fund is exclusively provided to manufacturers with more than 500 employees.

The GreenON Industries program provides industrial manufacturers with cleantech grants worth up to 50% of project costs to a maximum $5-20 million per project.

To apply for GreenON Industries funding, eligible businesses must complete a two-phase process that includes an Expression of Interest (EOI), and if called forward, a Full Application. The program has rolling intake periods for applications; the next of these deadlines is January 31, 2018.

GreenON Industries: Ontario Government Funding for Clean Manufacturing

The GreenON Industries program is an Ontario government grant administered through the Green Ontario Fund, a non-profit agency mandated to help reduce greenhouse gas pollution from buildings and production processes. Through the program, large manufacturers and industrial GHG producers may access funding to offset a portion of clean technology deployment costs.

Eligible applicants may use the GreenON Industries program to leverage up to 50% of project costs to a stream-dependent maximum of either $5 million or $20 million.

There are two streams of financial support offered through the GreenON Industries program. These include:

Stream 1: Technology Deployment Funding

The GreenON Industries Technology Deployment funding stream provides government grants to support clean technology investments among Ontario-based large industrial emitters with over 500 employees. Funding through this stream can be used to:

  • Implement commercially-proven technologies in existing facilities; or
  • Demonstrate new technologies in new/existing facilities.

Through this stream of funding for green projects, applicants may receive up to 50% of eligible expenses to a maximum $5 million in cleantech grants.

Stream 2: Large-Scale Technology Deployment & Facility Modernization

The GreenON Industries Large-Scale Technology Deployment & Facility Modernization funding stream provides government grants to support clean technology investments among new facility developers and Ontario-based large industrial emitters with over 500 employees and over 400,000 tonnes of annual GHGs. Funding through this stream can be used to implement commercially-proven technologies in new facilities.

Through this stream of funding for green projects, applicants may receive up to 50% of eligible expenses to a maximum $20 million in cleantech grants.

Projects Eligible for GreenON Industries Funding

There are four broad categories of clean technologies that will be considered for Green Ontario Fund support (others may be considered on a case-by-case basis). Projects may last up to three years and include:

  • Industrial Point Source: Reducing GHGs through sustainable approaches at industrial production sites.
  • Industrial Value Chain: Reducing GHGs through sustainable approaches in the industrial value chain. This can occur either upstream or downstream from large emitters; however, reductions must occur in Ontario.
  • Carbon Capture and Utilization: Involving new and innovative uses of carbon dioxide.
  • New Net Zero or Near Zero Carbon Emission Projects: New projects that do not contribute to (or that minimize) increased GHG in the province.

How to Apply for GreenON Industries Clean Technology Grants

The GreenON Industries program maintains a two-phased application process which includes an Expression of Interest (EOI) and a Full Application and Panel Presentation. Applicants may contact an OCE Business Development Manager and submit an EOI at any time; these will be reviewed occasionally based on rolling deadlines.

An upcoming EOI deadline for the GreenON Industries program has been established for January 31, 2018.

Those chosen to move forward to the Full Application and panel presentation will be notified once their EOI has received approval. Full Applications require an in-depth analysis of the organization, project, and how changes in GHG output will be measured. The Full Application is assessed by an external review panel, who then make a decision on whether to accept the application.

Funds will be released to businesses upon the submission of interim reports and a final report to be completed after the project has finished.

To discuss whether your organization is a good fit for the GreenON Industries program and learn how to optimize the application process, please contact Ryan.

 Contact the Ryan Canadian Government Funding Team

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