Green Freight Assessment Program (GFAP): Up to $100k in Funding


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UPDATE: The Green Freight Assessment Phase is now closed and not accepting applications. The deadline was November 1, 2019, OR until funds had been depleted. The Implementation Phase is still open.

Heavy-duty vehicles account for some of Canada’s highest transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions. While there is a lot of discussion about increasing the number of low-emission cars and vehicles for residents’ use, on-road freight presents another important opportunity to seek ways to reduce emissions, while still ensuring the competitiveness of our transportation sector. To support these efforts, the Green Freight Assessment Program (GFAP) was designed to help companies receive a third-party green freight assessment, and then improve a fleet’s efficiency by applying the recommendations outlined in their assessment.

Via the two phases of the program, applicants may receive up to $10,000 – $100,000 in Canadian government funding for green freight transport strategies.

The Green Freight Assessment Program helps companies break through the barriers they face when deciding to implement emission-reducing initiatives. There are two phases of the program: Green Freight Assessment and Green Freight Implementation. The deadline for Green Freight Assessments is November 1, 2019 and for Green Freight Implementation is September 30, 2019 – provided fleet companies have a completed assessment already.

Two Phases of the Green Freight Assessment Program

Administered by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), the Green Freight Assessment Program operates through two phases: Green Freight Assessment and Green Freight Implementation.

Green Freight Assessment Phase

The assessment will determine the company’s performance baseline and create opportunities to test solutions for poor performing areas of their fleet and operations. Recommendations received through a freight assessment will help companies make data-driven investment decisions to help reduce their fuel costs, and in turn, their environmental impact.

The assessment phase provides 50% cost-shared contributions up to $10,000 to companies towards a third-party green freight assessment.

Green Freight Implementation Phase

The implementation project will demonstrate how a fleet assessment can positively influence how companies invest in fuel reduction initiatives, resulting in greater savings.

This phase provides 50% cost-shared contributions up to $100,000 to help fleets implement fuel saving and fuel switching technologies.

Applicant Eligibility: Green Freight Assessment Program

To be eligible to receive Canadian government funding for heavy duty vehicle emission reduction, applicants should meet the following criteria:

  • Head office must be located and operate in Canada;
  • Host medium (Class 5, 6) to heavy duty (Class 7, 8a, 8b) vehicles; and
  • Have a third-party green freight assessment completed within the last 12 months (if wanting to apply for the Green Freight Implementation $100k grant).

Project Eligibility: Green Freight Assessment Program

  • Green Freight Assessment Phase: A third-party assessment to determine operational opportunities for improvement to reduce operating costs and increase profits while having a positive impact on the environment.
  • Green Freight Implementation Phase: Must utilize the assessment to implement fuel reducing technologies and/or vehicles that utilize lower carbon fuels. Project must be completed by March 31, 2020.

Eligible Expenses

  • Green Freight Assessment Phase: Third-party consulting costs.
  • Green Freight Implementation Phase: Costs recommended by the third-party assessment (e.g. Installation, training, etc.).

Apply for the Green Freight Assessment Program

The Green Freight Assessment Program is open and accepting applicants. The upcoming deadlines for both phases of the program are:

  • Green Freight Assessment Phase: November 1, 2019, or when funds are depleted. Applications are being evaluated on a first come, first served basis.
  • Green Freight Implementation Phase: September 30, 2019. Applicants of successful projects will be notified by email after November 1, 2019.

To learn more about the program and discuss if your upcoming project is positioned to succeed, please contact Ryan. We can also help optimize the application and reporting process.

Contact the Ryan Canadian Government Funding Team

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