» » » » Guelph Food Technology Centre (GFTC) Legacy Fund for Co-op Students

Guelph Food Technology Centre (GFTC) Legacy Fund for Co-op Students

The University of Guelph has supported thousands of co-op students through relevant work employment around the world. While employers have historically had access to the Ontario Co-operative Education Tax Credit as their primary source of funding support for hiring these co-op students on work terms, companies in the agricultural sector, such as food processors, now have access to an additional $2500 award for supporting co-op work term hiring through RecruitGuelph, University of Guelph’s job board.

Guelph Legacy Fund Hiring Award Eligibility Criteria

The University of Guelph requires applying companies to be classified as a food processing, manufacturing or distribution company in Canada, however students from all University of Guelph co-op programs are eligible. Companies must post, interview and hire a co-op student through the University of Guelph Co-operative Education & Career Services (CECS) Department. Please also note that this program is for new roles within the company that have not hired a University of Guelph co-op student to fill the position in the past.

GFTC Legacy Fund $2500 Award Application Details

Food companies that hire a University of Guelph co-op student on an official co-op work term by applying through RecruitGuelph will automatically become eligible for this program. No application forms are required. Please refer to our previous blog on using RecruitGuelph to strengthen your workforce for instructions on how to use the online recruitment tool.

Companies interested in benefitting from this $2500 award program can do so on top of their maximum $3000 Ontario Co-operative Education Tax Credit for a total support potential of $5500 through both programs for their co-op hire. Employers can benefit from up to three of these awards per year.

Canadian Hiring Grants for New Employees

Whether you are hiring graduates or current students, funding exists to help supplement your cash flow requirements. Please be sure to subscribe to our Weekly Funding E-Newsletter in order to stay up-to-date on hiring programs, as well as grants and loans for a wide variety of other strategic initiatives.