ISC Launches Four New Challenges Targeting Quantum and Charging Technology Gaps
Research and development programs by Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) address major problems facing Canada by providing testing resources and potential procurement contracts. ISC offers Canadian SMEs an opportunity to propose innovative solutions to government challenges through its Challenge Stream.
At Innovation Canada, we back innovators. From funding to expert advice to driving new collaborations, our flagship programs and services are designed to help businesses innovate, create jobs and grow Canada’s economy.
In addition to developing products and services that have been adopted internationally, the ISC Challenge Stream has also improved government operations through numerous successful challenges.
The following is a list of the ISC challenges and how interested parties can begin the application process:
New Challenge: Quantum Computing
Canada is among the rest of the world in leading the way with quantum technologies. With quantum computing as an enabling platform, a new range of devices and technologies will emerge in computing, sensors, communications, and advanced materials.
To leverage technologies as they are developed to commercial readiness, the Government of Canada (GoC) must be “quantum ready.” The GoC wants proposals for quantum computing solutions that can improve its existing architecture and prepare for the eventual integration of quantum computing solutions. Visit the Quantum Computing challenge page to see a list of the necessary hardware and software outcomes proposals must solve.
Funding Amount
Funding for this challenge is provided in two components:
- Standard Component: Successful applicants may receive up to a maximum of $550,000.
- Military Component: Successful applicants may receive up to a maximum of $1.15 million.
Eligible Applicants
Successful applicants may be selected if they are a small business which fits the following requirements:
- Are a Canadian for-profit entity, with 499 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees;
- 50% or more of FTE employees have Canada as their ordinary place of work;
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s annual wages, salaries, and fees must be paid to employees and contractors who spend most of their time working in Canada; and
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s senior executives (Vice President and above) have Canada as their principal residence.
To learn about the essential outcomes and evaluation criteria of this challenge, please review the official program page. There are also other challenges available through ISC, visit the Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) homepage for more.
Program Timelines
This challenge is currently open and accepting applications until July 6, 2022.
New Challenge: Quantum Communications
With this challenge, the Canadian government will be able to increase its future use of quantum technology, similar to the Quantum Computing challenge. However, for this particular challenge, applications of quantum technology are being focused less on hardware design and software development, and more on communications.
A range of applications will be made possible by this technology, including military communications, secure communications, and quantum information management. Optical fiber and the atmosphere are both susceptible to signal loss and decoherence that hinder long-distance communication. For the development and application of quantum communications, the ISC is seeking a variety of solutions. To see a list of this unique challenge’s required outcomes, visit this Quantum Communications challenge page link.
Funding Amount
Funding for this challenge is provided in two components:
- Standard Component: Successful applicants may receive up to a maximum of $550,000.
- Military Component: Successful applicants may receive up to a maximum of $1.15 million.
Eligible Applicants
Successful applicants may be selected if they are a small business which fits the following requirements:
- Are a for-profit person or entity, with 499 or fewer FTE employees;
- Own the intellectual property (IP);
- Have an innovation that is not already on the market;
- Are located in Canada;
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s FTE employees have Canada as their ordinary place of work;
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s annual wages, salaries, and fees must be paid to employees and contractors who spend the majority of their time working in Canada; and
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s senior executives (Vice President and above) have Canada as their principal residence.
To learn about the essential outcomes and evaluation criteria of this challenge, please review the official program page.
Program Timelines
This challenge is currently open and accepting applications until July 6, 2022.
New Challenge: Quantum Sensing
Quantum technology provides unlimited opportunities for Canada and the world as science improves. Understanding the limits of quantum sensing technologies is crucial to guiding the development of quantum sensors. Quantum sensing technologies have not yet been explored or developed for their applications in medical, aerospace, mining, navigation, meteorological, chemistry, and smart materials and technologies. To develop and ultimately apply quantum sensing technologies within the government, the ISC is requesting proposals for a variety of solutions. To see a list of required outcomes that applicants must address, visit the Quantum Sensing program page.
Funding Amount
Funding for this challenge is provided in two components:
- Standard Component: Successful applicants may receive up to a maximum of $550,000.
- Military Component: Successful applicants may receive up to a maximum of $1.15 million.
Eligible Applicants
Successful applicants may be selected if they are a small business which fits the following requirements:
- Are a Canadian for-profit entity, with 499 or fewer FTE employees;
- 50% or more of FTE employees have Canada as their ordinary place of work;
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s annual wages, salaries, and fees must be paid to employees and contractors who spend most of their time working in Canada; and
- 50% or more of the Bidder’s senior executives (Vice President and above) have Canada as their principal residence.
To learn about this challenge, please review the Quantum Sensing program page.
Program Timelines
This challenge is currently open and accepting applications until July 6, 2022.
New Challenge: Bi-Directional Electric Vehicle Charging Solution
To facilitate the transition and decarbonization of its portfolio of buildings, Canada is looking for smart, innovative vehicle charging technologies. It is a concern that EV charging protocols and connectors are not standard/compatible as Vehicle to Grid (V2G) technology rolls out. At present, only a few EVs support bidirectional DC charging and V2G, and only a few cars use Vehicle to Home/Business (V2H) technologies. Applicants should address the challenge criteria outlined on the ISC challenge page.
Funding Amount
Funding for this challenge is provided in two components:
- Phase One: Successful applicants may receive a Phase One contract up to a maximum of $150,000 and a maximum duration of six months; and
- Phase Two: Successful applicants may receive a Phase Two contract up to a maximum of $1 million and a maximum duration of 24 months.
Eligible Applicants
Successful applicants may be awarded a contract via ISC if they meet the following criteria:
- Are a for-profit organization that is incorporated within Canada with a maximum of 500 FTE employees;
- The organization’s research and development activities take place in Canada;
- Spends over 50% of annual wages, salaries, and fees to employees and contractors primarily based out of Canada; and
- Over 50% of senior executives (Vice President and above) are primarily based out of Canada.
Learn about eligibility criteria for this challenge, by visiting the official program page.
Program Timelines
This challenge is currently open with a deadline for applications of July 20, 2022.
Further Research and Development Government Funding
Is your business eager to accelerate your exciting innovations through to commercialization? There are many other government funding opportunities available, such as the Sustainable Development Technology Canada program. Download our free IRAP vs SR&ED Slide Deck to learn about the two most popular Canadian programs for this sort of project. Also, to see other top programs available, visit our Research & Development Funding directory.
Also, consider signing up for our government funding newsletter to stay up to date on all of the top government funding program updates and success stories.

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