How to Qualify for Food Safety Research Program


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bigstock-A-Chinese-Asian-female-medical-25132175The Food Safety Research Program is an annual competitive proposal opportunity open to industry, academics and not-for-profits who would like to pursue a research project in one of the program priorities. The Food Safety Research Program will provide up to $150,000 in funding as a Canadian government grant to support winning projects.

The Food Safety Research Program: Company Eligibility Criteria

Applicants who are eligible for government funding from this program are:

  • Business and industry
  • Colleges and universities
  • Government – municipal, provincial (non-Ontario) and federal
  • Hospitals
  • Non-government organizations
  • Research institutes and foundations

The Food Safety Research Program: Eligible Projects

Eligible projects for the Food Safety Research Program must be from 3-6 months in length, research focused, and fit with the annual program priorities. Program priorities are associated with the following categories:

  • Economic analysis
  • Threat identification and prioritization
  • Detection and surveillance
  • Pathway analysis
  • Prevention and control of disease

The Food Safety Research Program: Eligible Expenses

Expenses that are eligible for Canadian government grants funding through the Food Safety Research Program include:

  • Salaries for trainees – graduate students, summer students, post-docs
  • Contract technicians and staff; self-funded staff
  • Research supplies and disposables
  • Knowledge transfer costs – workshops and communications materials
  • Publication costs – journals
  • Research station fees (University of Guelph only)
  • Equipment leases and purchases – portion of cost applicable to working life for project duration.
  • Travel related to the project or to conferences where project information is presented

The Food Safety Research Program: Canadian Government Grants Funding Amount

Funding from this Canadian government grants program provides up to $150,000 to winning applicants.  Funding will be allocated as 75% towards project overhead costs and 25% towards direct operating costs. It is expected that the applicant will provide both cash and in-kind contributions to support the overall cost of the project. Costs that occur in excess of the project budget will not be funded by the Food Safety Research Program.

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